Email: ghobadi at csail dot mit dot edu
Office: 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, G940
Research Interests
Efficient Systems for Machine Learning
Large-Scale Reconfigurable Networks
High-Performance Cloud Infrastructure
Hardware-Software Co-design
Data Center Networks
Network Optimization
Optical Networks
Fall 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019: 6.582 (6.829) Computer Networks
Spring 2024, 2023, 2020, 2019: 6.033 System Engineering
Spring 2021: 6.009 Fundamentals of Programming
Associate Professor
Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Manya Ghobadi is an associate professor in the EECS department at MIT. Her research spans different areas in computer networks, focusing on building efficient systems for machine learning and high-performance cloud infrastructure.
Her work has been recognized by the Sloan Fellowship in Computer Science, ACM SIGCOMM Rising Star award, ACM-W Rising Star Award, NSF CAREER award, Optica Simmons Memorial Speakership award, best paper award at the Machine Learning Systems (MLSys) conference, as well as the best dataset, and best paper awards at the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC). Manya received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto and spent a few years at Microsoft Research and Google prior to joining MIT.
Rail-only: A Low-Cost High-Performance Network for Training LLMs with Trillion Parameters
W. Wang, M. Ghobadi, K. Shakeri, Y. Zhang, N. Hasani
IEEE Hot Interconnects 2024
NetBlocks: Staging Layouts for High-Performance Custom Host Network Stacks
A. Brahmakshatriya, C. Rinard, M. Ghobadi, S. Amarasinghe
Cassini: Network-Aware Job Scheduling in Machine Learning Clusters
S. Rajasekaran, M. Ghobadi, A. Akella
On-Fiber Photonic Computing
M. Yang, Z. Zhong, M. Ghobadi
ACM HotNets 2023
Lightning: A Reconfigurable Photonic-Electronic SmartNIC for Fast and Energy-Efficient Inference
Z. Zhong, M. Yang, J. Lang, C. Williams, L. Kronman, A. Sludds, H. Esfahanizadeh, D. Englund, M. Ghobadi
TopoOpt: Optimizing the Network Topology for Distributed DNN Training
W. Wang, M. Khazraee, Z. Zhong, M. Ghobadi, Z. Jia, D. Mudigere, Y. Zhang, A. Kewitsch
InfoShape: Task-Based Neural Data Shaping Via Mutual Information
H. Esfahanizadeh, W. Wu, M. Ghobadi, R. Barzilay, M. Medard
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2023
Emerging Optical Interconnects for AI Systems (Invited) (Optica Jane Simmons Speakership Award)
M. Ghobadi
OFC 2022
Delocalized Photonic Deep Learning on the Internet's Edge
A. Sludds, S. Bandyopadhyay, Z. Chen, Z. Zhong, J. Cochrane, L. Bernstein, D. Bunandar, P. Ben Dixon, S. Hamilton, M. Streshinsky, A. Novack, T. Baehr-Jones, M. Hochberg, M. Ghobadi, R. Hamerly, D. Englund
Science 2022, Vol. 378 (6617)
Congestion Control in Machine Learning Clusters
S. Rajasekaran, M. Ghobadi, G. Kumar, A. Akella
ACM HotNets 2022
Using Trio -- Juniper Networks' Programmable Chipset -- for Emerging In-Network Applications
M. Yang, A. Baban, V. Kugel, J. Libby, S. Mackie, S. S. R. Kananda, C. Wu, M. Ghobadi
News article: Building a Programmable Platform for Tomorrow's Applications
ABM: Active Buffer Management in Datacenters
V. Addanki, M. Apostolaki, M. Ghobadi, S. Schmid, L. Vanbever
Demonstration of WDM-Enabled Ultralow-Energy Photonic Edge Computing
A. Sludds, R. Hamerly, S. Bandyopadhyay, Z. Zhong, Z. Chen, L. Bernstein, M. Ghobadi, D. Englund
OFC 2022
WDM-Enabled Photonic Edge Computing (Best Paper Award)
A. Sludds, R. Hamerly, S. Bandyopadhyay, Z. Chen, Z. Zhong, L. Bernstein, M. Ghobadi, D. Englund
OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC) 2022
Cerberus: The Power of Choices in Datacenter Topology Design (A Throughput Perspective)
C. Griner, J. Zerwas, A. Blenk, S. Schmid, M. Ghobadi, and C. Avin
Performance Tradeoffs in Reconfigurable Networks for HPC
M. Y. Teh, Z. Wu, M. Glick, S. Rumley, M. Ghobadi, K. Bergman
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 2022
BOW: First Real-World Demonstration of a Bayesian Optimization System for Wavelength Reconfiguration
(Postdeadline Paper)
Z. Zhong, M. Ghobadi, M. Balandat, S. Katti, A. Kazerouni, J. Leach, M. McKillop, Y. Zhang
OFC 2021
[paper] [slides] [code]
ARROW: Restoration-Aware Traffic Engineering
Z. Zhong, M. Ghobadi, A. Khaddaj, J. Leach, Y. Xia, Y. Zhang
News article: Who Can Bend Light for Cheaper Internet?
SiP-ML: High-Bandwidth Optical Network Interconnects for Machine Learning Training
M. Khani, M. Ghobadi, M. Alizadeh, Z. Zhu, M. Glick, K. Bergman, A. Vahdat, B. Klenk, E. Ebrahimi
IOI: In-Network Optical Inference
Z. Zhong, W. Wang, M. Ghobadi, A. Sludds, R. Hamerly, L. Bernstein, D. Englund
ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Workshop on Optical Systems (OptSys 2021)
In-network Aggregation for Shared Machine Learning Clusters (Best Paper Award)
N. Gebara, P. Costa, M. Ghobadi
MLSYS 2021
[paper] [slides]
A Social Network Under Social Distancing: Risk-Driven Backbone Management During COVID-19 and Beyond
Y. Xia, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhong, G. Yan, C. L. Lim, S. S. Ahuja, S. Bali, A. Nikolaidis, K. Ghobadi, M. Ghobadi
NeuraCrypt: Hiding Private Health Data via Random Neural Networks for Public Training
A. Yala, H. Esfahanizadeh, R. G. L. D'Oliveira, K. R. Duffy, M. Ghobadi, T. S. Jaakkola, V. Vaikuntanathan, R. Barzilay, M. Medard
Challenging the Stateless Quo of Programmable Switches
N. Gebara, A. Lerner, M. Yang, M. Yu, P. Costa, M. Ghobadi
ACM HotNets 2020
PINE: Photonic Integrated Networked Energy efficient datacenters (ENLITENED Program) [Invited]
M. Glick, N. C. Abrams, Q. Cheng, M. Teh, Y. Hung, O. Jimenez, S. Liu, Y. Okawachi, X. Meng, L. Johansson, M. Ghobadi, L. Dennison, G. Michelogiannakis, J. Shalf, A. Liu, J. Bowers, A. Gaeta, M. Lipson, and K. Bergman
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 2020
Photonic Memory Disaggregation in Datacenters
J. Shalf, G. Michelogiannakis, B. Austin, T. Groves, M. Ghobadi, L. Dennison, T. Gray, M. Glick, K. Bergman
OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2020
On the Complexity of Traffic Traces and Implications
C. Avin, M. Ghobadi, K. Griner, S. Schmid
Enabling Programmable Transport Protocols in High-Speed NICs
M. T. Arashloo, A. Lavrov, M. Ghobadi, J. Rexford, D. Walker, D. Wentzlaff
OptFlow: A Flow-based Abstraction for Programmable Topologies
K. Foerster, L. Luo, M. Ghobadi
FAB: Toward Flow-aware Buffer Sharing on Programmable Switches
M. Apostolaki, L. Vanbever, M. Ghobadi
Buffer Sizing Workshop 2019
[paper] [slides]
FlexEnt: Entropy Coding to Curb Stragglers in Large-Scale Distributed Machine Learning
J. Salamy, A. Sharma, M. Ghobadi, M. Medard
SOSP's AI Systems Workshop 2019
[paper] [poster]
TeaVaR: Striking the Right Utilization-Availability Balance in WAN Traffic Engineering
J. Bogle, N. Bhatia, M. Ghobadi, I. Menache, N. Bjorner, A. Valadarsky, M. Schapira
[paper] [slides]
[code] [live demo]
News article: Wall Street Secrets Could Cut Cloud Costs
Bandwidth Steering for HPC using Silicon Nanophotonics
G. Michelogiannakis, Y. Shen, M. Y. Teh, X. Meng, B. Aivazi, T. Groves, J. Shalf, M. Glick, M. Ghobadi, L. Dennison, K. Bergman
ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference 2019
RADWAN: Rate Adaptive Wide Area Network
R. Singh, M. Ghobadi, K. Foerster, M. Filer, P. Gill
[paper] [slides]
Characterizing the Algorithmic Complexity of Reconfigurable Data Center Architectures
K. Foerster, M. Ghobadi, S. Schmid
[paper] [slides]
Beyond SmartNICs: Towards a Fully Programmable Cloud
A. Caulfield, P. Costa, M. Ghobadi
IEEE High Performance Switching and Routing 2018
PINE: An Energy Efficient Flexibly Interconnected Photonic Data Center Architecture for Extreme Scalability
K. Bergman, J. Shalf, G. Michelogiannakis, S. Rumley, L. Dennison, M. Ghobadi
IEEE Optical Interconnects 2018
Understanding and Mitigating Packet Corruption in Data Center Networks
D. Zhuo, M. Ghobadi, R. Mahajan, K. Foerster, A. Krishnamurthy, T. Anderson
RAIL: A Case for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Links in Data Center Networks
D. Zhuo, M. Ghobadi, R. Mahajan, A. Phanishayee, X. K. Zou, H. Guan, A. Krishnamurthy, T. Anderson
Run, Walk, Crawl: Towards Dynamic Link Capacities
R. Singh, M. Ghobadi, K. Foerster, M. Filer, P. Gill
ACM HotNets 2017
[paper][HotNets dialogue] [Press]
HotCocoa: Hardware Congestion Control Abstractions
M. T. Arashloo, M. Ghobadi, J. Rexford, D. Walker
ACM HotNets 2017
Optical Layer Failures in a Large Backbone (Best dataset award)
M. Ghobadi, R. Mahajan
ACM IMC 2016
ProjecToR: Agile Reconfigurable Data Center Interconnect
M. Ghobadi, R. Mahajan, A. Phanishayee, N. Devanur, J. Kulkarni, G. Ranade, P. Blanche, H. Rastegarfar, M. Glick, D. Kilper
[slides.pdf][slides.pptx][Disco Ball tech. report]
ECN or Delay: Lessons Learnt from Analysis of DCQCN and TIMELY (Best Paper Award Finalist)
Y. Zhu, M. Ghobadi, V. Misra, J. Padhye
Evaluation of Elastic Modulation Gains in Microsoft's Optical Backbone in North America
M. Ghobadi, J. Gaudette, R. Mahajan, A. Phanishayee, B. Klinkers, D. Kilper
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC)'16
Elastic Optical Networking in the Microsoft Cloud
M. Filer, J. Gaudette, M. Ghobadi, R. Mahajan, T. Issenhuth, B. Klinkers, J. Cox
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN)'16
TIMELY: RTT-based Congestion Control for the Datacenter
R. Mittal, V. Lam, N. Dukkipati, E. Blem, H. Wassel, M. Ghobadi, A. Vahdat, Y. Wang, D. Wetherall, D.
[paper][public review][code]
Efficient Traffic Splitting on Commodity Switches
N. Kang, M. Ghobadi, J. Reumann, A. Shraer, J. Rexford
TCP Pacing in Data Center Networks
M. Ghobadi, Y. Ganjali
IEEE Hot Interconnects 2013
Trickle: Rate Limiting YouTube Video Streaming (Google Research Excellent Paper Award)
M. Ghobadi, Y. Cheng, A. Jain, M. Mathis
Rethinking End-to-End Congestion Control in Software-Defined Networks
M. Ghobadi, S. Yeganeh, Y. Ganjali
ACM HotNets 2012
Caliper: Precise and Responsive Traffic Generator
M. Ghobadi, G. Salmon, Y. Ganjali, M. Labrecque, G. Steffan
IEEE Hot Interconnects 2012
Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP (Google Research Excellent Paper Award)
N. Dukkipati, M. Mathis, Y. Cheng, M. Ghobadi
ACM IMC 2011
OpenTM: Traffic Matrix Estimator for OpenFlow Networks
A. Tootoonchian, M. Ghobadi, Y. Ganjali
Passive and Active Measurement conference 2010
Emulation of Optical PIFO Buffers
H. Rastegarfar, M. Ghobadi, Y. Ganjali
NetThreads: Programming NetFPGA with Threaded Software (2nd Place for Best Project Award)
M. Labrecque, J. Steffan, G. Salmon, M. Ghobadi, Y. Ganjali
NetFPGA Developers Workshop 2009
NetFPGA-based Precise Traffic Generation
G. Salmon, M. Ghobadi, Y. Ganjali, M. Labrecque, J. Steffan
NetFPGA Developers Workshop 2009
[paper][tech. report][code][documentation]
Experimental study of router buffer sizing (Best Paper Award)
N. Beheshti, Y. Ganjali, M. Ghobadi, N. McKeown, and G. Salmon
ACM IMC 2008
Resource Optimization Algorithms for Virtual Private Networks Using the Hose Model
M. Ghobadi, S. Ganti, G. C. Shoja
Computer Networks Journal 2008
Performing Time-sensitive Network Experiments
N. Beheshti, Y. Ganjali, M. Ghobadi, J. Naous, N. McKeown, and G. Salmon
ANCS 2008
Hierarchical Provisioning Algorithm for Virtual Private Networks Using the Hose Model
M. Ghobadi, S. Ganti, G. C. Shoja
Resource Optimization to Provision a Virtual Private Network Using the Hose Model
M. Ghobadi, S. Ganti, G. C. Shoja
Dr. Lingling Fan (Ph.D. Stanford University, co-advised with Prof. Dirk Englund)
Dr. Zhizhen Zhong (Ph.D. Tsinghua University)
Dr. Homa Esfahanizadeh (Ph.D. UCLA, co-advised with Prof. Muriel Medard)
Current Students
Mingran Yang (Ph.D. candidate)
Sudarsanan Rajasekaran (Ph.D. candidate)
Weiyang (Frank) Wang (Ph.D. candidate)
Benoit Pit--Claudel (Ph.D. candidate, co-advised with Prof. Muriel Medard)
Charlie Liu (Ph.D. candidate, co-advised with Prof. Hari Balakrishnan)
Anton Zabreyko (Ph.D. candidate)
Sanjoli Narang (Ph.D. candidate)
James Lynch (Ph.D. candidate, co-advised with Prof. Hari Balakrishnan)
Andew Li (Undergraduate student)
Jeremy Bogle (M.Eng. 2019, now at Apple, Thesis: A Fundamental Approach for Providing Service-Level Guarantees for Wide-Area Networks)
Ayush Sharma (M.Eng. 2020, Thesis: Aikido: Toward Straggler Mitigation for Distributed Machine Learning Training in Cloud Data Centers)
Amir Farhat (SuperUROP, Fall 2019 -- Spring 2020, Project: Communication Patterns in Distributed Deep Learning)
Tenzin Ukyab (UROP, Fall 2019 -- Spring 2020, now PhD student at UC Berkeley)
James Salamy (M.Sc. 2021, Thesis: Network Requirements for Distributed Machine Learning Training in the Cloud)
Dr. Moein Khazraee (Postdoc, Summer 2020 -- Summer 2022, now at NVIDIA)
Alex Mallery (Ph.D. student, Fall 2021 -- Summer 2022, now at Skydio)
Christian T Williams (M.Eng. 2023, now at Jane Street, Thesis: LightSpeed: A Framework to Profile and Evaluate
Inference Accelerators at Scale)
Yichen Gao (Undergraduate student)
Arthur Migdal (Undergraduate student)
Liam Kronman (Undergraduate student)
Professional Activities
Member of the Steering Committee, USENIX NSDI, 2024
Program Co-Chair, USENIX NSDI, 2023
General Co-Chair, ACM HotNets, 2023
Workshop Co-Chair, Optica OFC workshop on Machine Learning and Optics, 2023
Program Committee, ACM SIGCOMM, 2022
Program Committee, USENIX NSDI, 2022
Program Chair, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Optical Systems (OptSys), 2021
Program Committee, ACM SOSP, 2021
Program Committee, USENIX OSDI, 2021
Co-chair, Optics and Machine Learning Symposium, OFC, 2021
Program Committee, USENIX NSDI, 2021
Program Committee, OFC, 2021
Workshops Chair, ACM SIGCOMM, 2020
Program Committee, ACM SIGCOMM, 2020
Program Committee, USENIX NSDI, 2020
Program Committee, USENIX ATC, 2020
Program Committee, ACM HotNets, 2019
Program Committee, ACM SIGCOMM, 2019
Program Chair, New England Network and Systems (NENS), 2019
Program Chair, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Optical Systems (OptSys), 2019
Program Committee, USENIX NSDI, 2019
Program Committee, OSA Photonic Networks and Devices, 2018
Program Committee, ACM CoNEXT, 2018
Program Committee, ACM IMC, 2018
Program Committee, ACM HotNets, 2018
Program Committee, ACM SOSR, 2018
General Chair, ACM SOSR, 2018
Program Committee, APNet, 2018
Program Committee, IEEE HPSR, 2018
Program Committee, ACM HotMobile, 2018
Mentoring co-chair, N2Women workshop at ACM SIGCOMM, 2017
Program Committee, ACM SIGCOMM, 2017
Program Committee, ACM IMC, 2017
Program Committee, ACM SOSR, 2017
Program Committee, ACM CoNEXT, 2017
Program Committee, IEEE ICNP, 2017
Program Committee, IEEE/IFICO TMA, 2017
Program Committee, APNet, 2017
Program Committee, PAM, 2017
Program Committee, IEEE MASCOTS, 2017
Program Committee, USENIX NSDI, 2016
Program Committee, ACM CoNEXT, 2016
Program Committee, IEEE Hot Interconnects, 2016
Program Committee, ACM SOSR, 2015
Program Committee, ACM CoNEXT, 2015
Program Committee, IEEE Hot Interconnects, 2015
Program Committee, ACM CoNEXT student workshop, 2013
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