Ronald L. Rivest: Publications and Talks

A fairly complete listing of my publications, talks, drafts, patents, and other miscellania. Another nice listing is available from Google Scholar.

Entries are listed in reverse chronological order. Each entry has a "key" usually consisting of the first letter of each author's last name (truncated and ending with "x" if there are more than five co-authors), followed by a two-digit year (and possibly a final distinguishing lower-case letter to eliminate ambiguities); these keys should be stable (except possibly for the current year). An entry may provide links to content or additional information, such as:

Some links may be "blocked" (for copyright reasons); these links appear italicized in parentheses, but will cause an error if clicked. If for some reason you need help obtaining a copy of an article, please send an email, giving the key (e.g. AR06) of the article you are looking for, to my assistant <>, who should be able to help you.

This listing produced automagically from a bibtex file (Tue Nov 26 17:13:09 2024). Please let me know of broken links or other errors.

Return to my home page.

432.  [RS24] The National Popular Vote (NPV) proposal for U.S. Presidential Elections undermines election integrity. Ronald L. Rivest and Philip B. Stark. SSRN (2024-11-26)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

431.  [JPRS24] Scan, Shuffle, Rescan: Two-Prover Election Audits With Untrusted Scanners. Douglas W. Jones, Sunoo Park, Ronald L. Rivest, and Adam Sealfon. (2024)Proceedings Financial Cryptography '24. (2024-03-07)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

430.  [AABBx24] Bugs in our pockets: the risks of client-side scanning. Harold Abelson, Ross Anderson, Steven M. Bellovin, Josh Benaloh, Matt Blaze, Jon Callas, Whitfield Diffie, Susan Landau, Peter G. Neumann, Ronald L. Rivest, Jeffrey Schiller, Bruce Schneier, Vanessa Teague, and Carmela Troncoso. Journal of Cybersecurity (2024)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

429.  [Riv23d] Betting on Doom. Ronald L. Rivest. (2023-12-08)
       bib   pdf   link   

428.  [Riv23b] Learning Learning Curves. Ronald L. Rivest. (2023-11-03) (Unpublished) Slides from talk given at Rob Schapire's 60th birthday party.
       bib   pdf   link   

427.  [Riv23a] Election Security. Ronald L. Rivest. (2023-10-12) (Unpublished) Slides from CSAIL Alliance Workshop on Misinformation
       bib   pptx   link   

426.  [RSZ23] Automated Exposure Notification for COVID-19. R. L. Rivest, M.C. Schiefelbein, M.A. Zissman, J. Bay, E. Bugnion, J. Finnerty, I. Liccardi, B. Nelson, A.S. Norige, E.H. Shen, J. Wanger, R. Yahalom, J.D. Alekseyev, C. Brubaker, L. Ferretti, C. Ishikawa, M. Raykova, B. Schlaman, R.X. Schwartz, E. Sudduth, and S. Tessaro. (2023-02-14) This report is both a Lincoln Lab Technical Report (TR-1288) and a CSAIL Technical Report. It has two URLs, which point to copies of the same report.
       bib   pdf   LL-link   MIT-DSPACE-CSAIL-link   PACT website   link   

425.  [Riv23c] Testimony to WA State Committee on State Government and Tribal Rights. Ronald L. Rivest. (2023-01-25) Testimony against passing a WA bill allowing online ballot return.
       bib   txt   link   

424.  [AGBHx22] Working Group Statement on Developing Standards for Internet Ballot Return. R. Michael Alvarez, Mike Garcia, Josh Benaloh, Roy Herrera, Allie Bones, Henry E. Brady, Amber McReynolds, Jeremy Epstein, Ronald L. Rivest, Anthony Fowler, Maurice Turner, Michael J. Frias, and Mark Wetherford. (2022-12) Center for Security in Politics, U.C. Berkeley
       bib   pdf   press-release   link   

423.  [Riv22d] Alexa Voting. Ronald L. Rivest. (2022-10-29) (Unpublished.)
       bib   pdf   link   

422.  [Riv22c] Coo-balls. Ronald L. Rivest. (2022-08-06) (Unpublished.)
       bib   pdf   link   

421.  [JPRS22] Scan, Shuffle, Rescan: Machine-Assisted Election Audits With Untrusted Scanners. Douglas W. Jones, Sunoo Park, Ronald L. Rivest, and Adam Sealfon. Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/960 (2022-07-25)
       bib   pdf   eprint   link   

420.  [Riv22a] How to Have a Net-Zero Life . Ronald L. Rivest. (2022-06-09) Talk presented at CSAIL 2022 Annual Meeting (Wequassett, Cape Cod)
       bib   pdf   mp4   pptx   link   

419.  [CLRS22] Introduction to Algorithms (Fourth edition). Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. (MIT Press, 2022)
       bib   url   errata   thc-faq   link   

418.  [Riv22b] Remarks on AI to Support Climate Mitigation & Adaptation. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given at zoom panel held by CSAIL on "AI to Support Climate Mitigation & Adaptation", hosted by Daniela Rus and Elsa Olivetti (2022-01-21)
       bib   pdf   txt   link   

417.  [AABBx21] Bugs in our Pockets: The Risks of Client-Side Scanning. Hal Abelson, Ross Anderson, Steven M. Bellovin, Josh Benaloh, Matt Blaze, Jon Callas, Whitfield Diffie, Susan Landau, Peter G. Neumann, Ronald L. Rivest, Jeffrey I. Schiller, Bruce Schneier, Vanessa Teague, and Carmela Troncoso. (2021-10-14)
       bib   pdf   arXiv   link   

416.  [BBRSx21] Assertion-Based Approaches to Auditing Complex Elections, with Application to Party-List Proportional Elections. Michelle Blom, Jurlind Budurushi, Ronald L. Rivest, Philip B. Stark, Peter J. Stuckey, Vanessa Teague, and Damjan Vukcevic. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2021) pp. 47-62.
       bib   doi   pdf   arXiv   link   

415.  [DRED21] A simple model for assessing climate control trade-offs and responding to unanticipated climate outcomes. Henri F. Drake, Ronald L. Rivest, Alan Edelman, and John Deutch. Environmental Research Letters 16,10 (2021)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

414.  [Riv21a] The RSA Public Key Cryptosystem. Ronald L. Rivest. (2021-06-21) Churchill College Distinguished Lecture (Cambridge, UK)
       bib   video   link   

413.  [PSNR21] Going from Bad to Worse: from Internet Voting to Blockchain Voting. Sunoo Park, Michael Specter, Neha Narula, and Ronald L. Rivest. J. Cybersecurity 7,1 (2021)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

412.  [VCHJx21] An Inquiry into India's Election System (Deposition). Poorvi L Vora, Alok Choudhary, J Alex Halderman, Douglas W Jones, Nasir Memon, Bhagirath Narahari, R Ramanujam, Ronald L Rivest, Philip B Stark, K V Subrahmanyam, and Vanessa Teague. (2021-01-26)
       bib   pdf   report website   link   

411.  [MSWBX20] SonicPACT: An Ultrasonic Ranging Method for the Private Automated Contact Tracing (PACT) Protocol. John Meklenburg, Michael Specter, Michael Wentz, Hari Balakrishnan, Anantha Chandrakasan, John Cohn, Gary Hatke, Louise Ivers, Ronald Rivest, Gerald Jay Sussman, and Daniel Weitzner. (2020-11-09) {PACT} Technical Report No. 2
       bib   url   pdf   arXiv   link   

410.  [BGHKX20] Optimality of Correlated Sampling Strategies. Mohammad Bavarian, Badih Ghazi, Elad Haramaty, Pritish Kamath, Ronald L. Rivest, and Madhu Sudan. Theory of Computing 16(2020) pp. 1--12.
       bib   url   pdf   link   

409.  [PSNR20] Going from Bad to Worse: from Internet Voting to Blockchain Voting. Sunoo Park, Michael Specter, Neha Narula, and Ronald L. Rivest. (2020-11-06) Replaced by 413. [PSNR21]. (DRAFT of 11/6/2020)
       bib   pdf   link   

408.  [HRSTV20] A Unified Evaluation of Two-Candidate Ballot-Polling Election Auditing Methods. Zhuoqun Huang, Ronald L. Rivest, Philip B. Stark, Vanessa J. Teague, and Damjan Vukcevic. ()Proceedings E-Vote ID 2020 (Bregenz, Austria). Robert Krimmer, Melanie Volkamer, Bernhard Beckert, Ralf Küsters, Oksana Kulyk, David Duenas-Cid, and Mihkel Solvak (eds.) (2020-10-06) pp. 112--128.
       bib   doi   pdf   conference proceedings   arXiv   link   

407.  [BEA20] Letter to support the candidacy of former Vice President Joe Biden for President of the United States and Senator Kamala Harris for Vice President. Manuel Blum, Ed Catmull, Vinton Cerf, Whitfield Diffie, Shafi Goldwasser, Pat Hanrahan, Martin Hellman, John Hennessy, John Hopcroft, Richard Karp, Alan Kay, Donald Knuth, Leslie Lamport, Butler Lampson, Yann LeCun, Barbara Liskov, David Patterson, Raj Reddy, Ronald Rivest, Richard Stearns, Michael Stonebraker, Ivan Sutherland, Robert Tarjan, and Leslie Valiant. (2020-09-18)
       bib   pdf   nytimes   link   

406.  [Hua20] A Unified Evaluation of Two-Candidate Ballot-Polling Election Auditing Methods. Zhuoqun Huang, Ronald L. Rivest, Philip B. Stark, Vanessa Teague, and Damjan Vukcevic. (arXiv:2008.08536) (2020-08-19)
       bib   pdf   arXiv   link   

405.  [Riv20e] PACT. Ronald L. Rivest. (2020-07-28) Workshop on Responsible Data in Time of Pandemic
       bib   pptx   workshop   video   panel   link   

404.  [Riv20d] Perspectives on Digital Contact Tracing. Ronald L. Rivest. (2020-07-20) Workshop on Algorithm Design, Law, and Policy
       bib   pptx   workshop   video   link   

403.  [Riv20f] Exploring the Feasibility and Security of Technology to Conduct Remote Voting in the House. Ronald L. Rivest. (2020-07-17) Testimony before the U.S. House Committee on House Administration, chaired by Congressperson Zoe Lofgren
       bib   txt   hearing video   link   

402.  [DHJRx20] Rules of Thumb for Reopening (Part 3: Who was that masked man?). Munzer Dahleh, Peko Hosoi, Simon Johnson, Ron Rivest, Emma Tegling, and Ferrah Vidal. (2020-05-29) IDSS Research blog.
       bib   url   link   

401.  [DRED20] A multi-control climate policy process for a trusted decision maker. Henri F. Drake, Ronald L. Rivest, Alan Edelman, and John Deutch. (2020-05-22) Submitted.
       bib   url   pdf   CPEER Working paper   link   

400.  [TBKOR20] Methods and Apparatus for Private Set Membership Using Aggregation for Reducing Communications. Nikolaos Triandopoulos, Kevin D. Bowers, James A. Kelley, Alina Oprea, and Ronald Rivest. U.S. Patent 10,635,824 B1. Issued April 28, 2020. (2020-04-28)
       bib   pdf   text(google)   link   

399.  [RACCX20] The PACT protocol specification. Ronald L. Rivest, Hal Abelson, Jon Callas, Ran Canetti, Kevin Esvelt, Daniel Kahn Gilmor, Louise Ivers, Yael Tauman Kalai, Anna Lysyanskaya, Adam Norige, Bobby Peletier, Ramesh Raskar, Adi Shamir, Emily Shen, Israel Soibelman, Michael Specter, Vanessa Teague, Ari Tractenberg, Mayank Varia, Marc Viera, Daniel Weitzner, John Wilkinson, and Marc Zissman. (2020-04-08) {PACT} Technical Report No. 1
       bib   url   pdf   link   

398.  [Qua20] Cryptography Pioneer Seeks Secure Elections the Low-Tech Way. Susan D'Agostino. (2020-03-12) Q & A with Quanta Magazine.
       bib   url   link   

397.  [Riv20c] Election Security. Ronald L. Rivest. (2020-02-11) Lincoln Laboratory CORE \& TO Seminar
       bib   pptx   link   

396.  [Riv20b] Auditing Elections ``in other ways''. Ronald L. Rivest. (2020-01-17) Talk given at Joint Mathematics Meetings (Denver, Colorado) in MAA Invited Paper Session ``Can Mathematics Help Us Trust Our Elections Again?''
       bib   pptx   conference   link   

395.  [Riv20a] Double-Bubble Ballots. Ronald L. Rivest. (2020-01-09)
       bib   pdf   link   

394.  [GE20] Random adversarial threshold search enables specific, secure, and automated DNA synthesis screening. Dana Gretton, Brian Wang, Leonard Foner, Jens Berlips, Theia Vogel, Benjamin Weinstein-Raun, Martin Kysel, Walther Chen, Erika A. DeBenedictis, Andrew B. Liu, Emma Chory, Hongrui Cui, Xiang Li, Jiangbin Dong, Andres Fabrega, Christianne Dennison, Otilia Don, Tong Ye, Kaveri Uberoy, Ron Rivest, Mingyu Gao, Yu Yu, Carsten Baum, Ivan Damgard, Andrew C. Yao, and Kevin M. Esvelt. (2020-01)
       bib   url   pdf   SecureDNA   link   

393.  [BE20] Cryptographic Aspects of DNA Screening. Carsten Baum, Hongrui Cui, Ivan Damgard, Kevin Esvelt, Mingyu Gao, Dana Gretton, Omer Paneth, Ron Rivest, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Daniel Wichs, Andrew Yao, and Yu Yu. (2020-01)
       bib   url   pdf   SecureDNA   link   

392.  [MR19] A Bayesian Approach to Election Audits. Audrey Malagon and Ronald L. Rivest. MAA FOCUS: Newsmagazine of the Mathematical Association of America (December 2019/January 2020) 39,6 (2019) pp. 7.
       bib   url   pdf   link   

391.  [Riv19j] Election Security. Ronald L. Rivest. (2019-10-22) Ding-Shum Lecture given at Harvard University
       bib   pptx   video   link   

390.  [EWG19b] Moving the Encryption Policy Conversation Forward. Encryption Working Group. (2019-09-10) The Encryption Working Group (of which I am member) studies issues relating to encryption policy, and every so often produces informative papers (not policy positions). The group is sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
       bib   url   pdf   link   

389.  [RIRLx19] Pilot Implementation Study of Risk-Limiting Audit Methods in the State of Rhode Island. Rhode Island Risk Limiting Audit Working Group. (2019-09-04) The Rhode Island Risk-Limiting Audit Working Group (of which I am a member) conducted pilot audits in January 2019.
       bib   url   pdf   link   

388.  [Riv19i] Voting and Auditing with Ternary Plurality Trees. Ronald L. Rivest. (2019-08-23)
       bib   nbviewer   github   link   

387.  [Riv19g] Election Security. Ronald L. Rivest. (2019-06-26) Talk given at Cyber Everything --- 2019 Judicial Conference of the District of Columbia Circuit
       bib   pdf   pptx   link   

386.  [Riv19h] Visualizing CO2 Levels. Ronald L. Rivest. (2019-05-22)
       bib   pdf   link   

385.  [Riv19f] LCS35 Time Lock Crypto Puzzle. Ronald L. Rivest. (2019-05-15) Talks given at MIT CSAIL Time Lock Puzzle and Time Capsule Opening Event, and VDF Day
       bib   pdf   ppt   new-puzzle.pdf   new-puzzle.txt   Original puzzle   VDF Day   VDF Day (YouTube)   link   

384.  [EWG19a] Papers related to encryption policy. Encryption Working Group. (2019-04-25) The Encryption Working Group (of which I am member) studies issues relating to encryption policy, and every so often produces informative papers (not policy positions). The group is sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
       bib   url   link   

383.  [Riv19e] Election Integrity. Ronald L. Rivest. (2019-04-03) Talk given at BU Cyber Security, Law, and Society Alliance (Cyber Alliance).
       bib   pptx   link   

382.  [Riv19d] Panel remarks on "Milestones in Post-Election Audits". Ronald L. Rivest. (2019-03-15) Panel remarks given at Election Verification Conference 2019
       bib   video (start at 42:20)   conference   link   

381.  [SR19] k-Cut: A Simple Approximately-Uniform Method for Sampling Ballots in Post-Election Audits. Mayuri Sridhar and Ronald L. Rivest. (St. Kitts, 2019)Proceedings Voting'19. (2019-02-22) (Talk by Mayuri Sridhar.)
       bib   pdf   mp4   link   

380.  [OBHRS19] Bernoulli Ballot Polling: A Manifest Improvement for Risk-Limiting Audits. Kellie Ottoboni, Matthew Bernhard, J. Alex Halderman, Ronald L. Rivest, and Philip B. Stark. (2019)Proceedings Voting'19. (2019-02-22)
       bib   pdf   link   

379.  [Riv19c] Bayesian Audits (by example). Ronald L. Rivest. (2019-01-31) Short talk given at meeting 'Making Every Vote Count: A Practical Guide to Risk-Limiting Audits', Microsoft Innovation Lab (Washington DC)
       bib   pptx   video of entire meeting (my talk starts at 44:40)   program   link   

378.  [Riv19b] Ballot-polling audits . Ronald L. Rivest. (2019-01-16) Short talk given at Rhode Island pilot election audit.
       bib   pptx   link   

377.  [Riv19a] Voting and ZK . Ronald L. Rivest. (2019-01-13) Short talk given at ShafiFest.
       bib   ppt   link   

376.  [OBHRS18] Bernoulli Ballot Polling: A Manifest Improvement for Risk-Limiting Audits. Kellie Ottoboni, Matthew Bernhard, J. Alex Halderman, Ronald L. Rivest, and Philip B. Stark. (2018-12-15)
       bib   pdf   arXiv   link   

375.  [Riv18g] Two new election audit tools: sampling with k-cut, and Bayesian audits. Ronald L. Rivest. (2018-12-07) Short talk given at 2018 Election Audit Summit
       bib   docx   pptx   Summit   video--see Day 1 AM Session 2 around 2:00   link   

374.  [SR18b] k-cut: A Simple Approximately-Uniform Method for Sampling Ballots in Post-Election Audits. Mayuri Sridhar and Ronald L. Rivest. (2018-11-21)
       bib   pdf   arXiv   link   

373.  [Riv18f] How do we vote? How should we vote?. Ronald L. Rivest. (2018-09-13) Short talk given at 2018 EmTech Conference
       bib   pdf   Panel video   link   

372.  [NASEM18] Securing the Vote: Protecting American Democracy. {National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine}. (The National Academies Press, 2018) (I was on the committee that produced this report.)
       bib   pdf   NASEM site   press   link   

371.  [Riv18e] Consistent Sampling with Replacement. Ronald L. Rivest. arXiv (2018-08-29)
       bib   pdf   arXiv   github   link   

370.  [MR18] Bayesian Election Audits in One Page. Audrey Malagon and Ronald L. Rivest. (2018-07-13)
       bib   pdf   link   

369.  [SR18a] Four-Cut: An Approximate Sampling Procedure for Election Audits. Mayuri Sridhar and Ronald L. Rivest. (2018-06-19) Talk given by Mayuri Sridhar at 2018 State Certification Testing of Voting Systems National Conference
       bib   pptx   conference agenda   confererence-ppt   link   

368.  [Riv18d] On ``exceptional access''. Ronald L. Rivest. (2018-05-31) Slides for informal talk given at CSAIL PI lunch (2018-05-31).
       bib   pdf   link   

367.  [BBBLR18a] Analysis of the CLEAR Protocol per the National Academies' Framework. Steven M. Bellovin, Matt Blaze, Dan Boneh, Susan Landau, and Ronald L. Rivest. Department of Computer Science, Columbia University, CUCS-003-18 (2018)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

366.  [BBBLR18b] Op-ed: Ray Ozzie's crypto proposal-a dose of technical reality. Steven M. Bellovin, Matt Blaze, Dan Boneh, Susan Landau, and Ronald L. Rivest. Ars Technica Op-Ed (2018-05-07)
       bib   pdf   ArsTechnica   link   

365.  [Riv18c] Dealing Cards with Cryptography. Ronald L. Rivest. YouTube Numberphile interview by Brady Haran. (2018-03-22) Using commutative cryptography to play poker over the internet.
       bib   url   link   

364.  [BBDHx18] From Battlefields to Elections: Winning Strategies of Blotto and Auditing Games. Soheil Behnezhad, Avrim Blum, Mahsa Derakhshan, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Mohammad Mahdian, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Ronald L. Rivest, Saeed Seddighin, and Philip B. Stark. (New Orleans, Louisiana, 2018)Proceedings SODA'18. (2018-01-07)
       bib   pdf   conference   link   

363.  [Riv18a] Bayesian Tabulation Audits: Explained and Extended. Ronald L. Rivest. (2018-01-01)
       bib   pdf   arXiv   link   

362.  [Riv17f] Risk-Limiting Audits. Ronald L. Rivest. (2017-12-07) Talk given at Fourth NASEM committee meeting on Future of Voting
       bib   pdf   ppt   NASEM Future of Voting   link   

361.  [BHRVx17] Public Evidence from Secret Ballots. Matthew Bernhard, J. Alex Halderman, Ronald Rivest, Poorvi Vora, Peter Ryan, Vanessa Teague, Josh Benaloh, Philip Stark, and Dan Wallach. {E-Vote-ID 2017} (Bregenz, Austria, 2017)(2017-10-25)
       bib   pdf   conference   arXiv   link   

360.  [LRLGx17] MIT Turing laureates propose creation of School of Computing. Butler Lampson, Ronald L. Rivest, Barbara Liskov, Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali, Michael Stonebraker, and Tim Berners-Lee. The Tech (2017-09-21)
       bib   pdf   Tech   link   

359.  [Riv17e] Remarks on Election Integrity. Ronald L. Rivest. (2017-09-12) Testimony given at meeting of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Election Integrity (Verbal testimony as notes in ppt file, and in pdf file.)
       bib   pdf   ppt   video   commission   link   

358.  [Bis17] Open-Source Software Won't Ensure Election Security. Matt Bishop. Lawfare (2017-08-24) (Matt Bishop is author; I was just one of several contributors whose ideas are represented in this article.)
       bib   pdf   lawfare   link   

357.  [BJR17] Wireless wearable authenticators using attachment to confirm user possession. Kevin D. Bowers, Ari Juels, and Ronald L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 9,740,844. Issued August 22, 2017. (2017-08-22)
       bib   text(google)   link   

356.  [Riv17d] Post-Election Audits. Ronald L. Rivest. (2017-06-12) Talk given at NASEM Future of Voting meeting
       bib   ppt   committee   link   

355.  [RS17] When is an election verifiable?. Ronald L. Rivest and Philip B. Stark. {IEEE Security and Privacy} (2017) pp. 48--50.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

354.  [RSP17] BatchVote: Voting rules designed for auditability. Ronald L. Rivest, Philip B. Stark, and Zara Perumal. Voting'17 workshop (associated with Financial Crypto 2017) (Malta, 2017)(2017-04-07)
       bib   workshop   paper   link   

353.  [PR17a] Marked mix-nets. Olivier Pereira and Ronald L. Rivest. Voting'17 workshop (associated with Financial Crypto 2017) (Malta, 2017)(2017-04-07)
       bib   workshop   paper   link   

352.  [PR17] Towards Secure Quadratic Voting. Sunoo Park and Ronald L. Rivest. Public Choice (2017) pp. 1--25.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

351.  [Riv17c] Charities for the Trump Era. Alexander J. Rivest and Ronald L. Rivest. Medium (2017-02-05)
       bib   pdf   medium   link   

350.  [Riv17a] 11438162575788886766923577997614661201 (etc). Ronald L. Rivest. YouTube Numberphile interview by Brady Haran. (2017-02-02) The RSA-129 story.
       bib   url   link   

349.  [Riv17b] ClipAudit---A Simple Post-Election Risk-Limiting Audit. Ronald L. Rivest. arXiv:1701.08312 (2017-01-28)
       bib   pdf   arXiv   link   

348.  [AAEGR17] Time-space trade-offs in population protocols. Dan Alistarh, James Aspnes, David Eisenstat, Rati Gelashvili, and Ronald L. Rivest. SODA'17 (Barcelona, Spain, 2017)Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. (2017-01) pp. 2560-2579.
       bib   pdf   conference version   link   

347.  [JR17] Determining authenticity based on indicators derived from information relating to historical events. Ari Juels and Ronald L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 9,537,845. Issued January 3, 2017. (2017-01-03)
       bib   pdf   link   

346.  [RV16] Software Independence Revisited. Ronald L. Rivest and Madars Virza. Chapter 1. Real-World Electronic Voting: Design, Analysis, and Deployment. Feng Hao and Peter Y. A. Ryan (eds.) (CRC Press, 2016) pp. 3--17. (2016)
       bib   pdf   CRC   Amazon   link   

345.  [Riv16q] Oral History of Ronald L. Rivest . Ronald L. Rivest. (2016-12-06) Interview by Roy Levin at the Computer Museum in Mountain View, CA.
       bib   pdf   YouTube   Metadata   link   

344.  [BGHKx16] The Optimality of Correlated Sampling. Mohammad Bavarian, Badih Ghazi, Elad Haramaty, Pritish Kamath, Ronald Rivest, and Madhu Sudan. ECCC Report TR16-194 (2016-12-04)
       bib   url   pdf   arXiv   link   

343.  [Riv16t] Auditability and Verifiability of Elections. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk presented at U.C. Davis Computer Science Department (2016-12-01)
       bib   slides.pdf   video   link   

342.  [RS16] Still time for an election audit. Ron Rivest and Philip Stark. USA Today (2016-11-18)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

341.  [Riv16v] Technical Remarks on Government Access to Plaintext. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk presented at meeting of National Academies panel on "Law Enforcement and Intelligence Access to Plaintext Information in an Era of Widespread Strong Encryption: Options and Tradeoffs" (2016-11-11)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

340.  [Riv16w] Was YOUR vote counted? (feat. homomorphic encryption). Ronald L. Rivest. YouTube Numberphile interview by Brady Haran. (2016-11-07)
       bib   url   link   

339.  [Riv16r] How to Check Election Results (feat. Polya's Urn). Ronald L. Rivest. YouTube Numberphile interview by Brady Haran. (2016-11-07)
       bib   url   link   

338.  [JVDOR16] Scheduling Of Defensive Security Actions In Information Processing Systems. Ari Juels, Marten Erik van Dijk, Alina M. Oprea, and Ronald L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 9,471,777. Issued October 18, 2016. (2016-10-18)
       bib   pdf   link   

337.  [CPRBx16] Auditing Australian Senate Ballots. Berj Chilingirian, Zara Perumal, Ronald L. Rivest, Grahame Bowland, Andrew Conway, Philip B. Stark, Michelle Blom, Chris Culnane, and Vanessa Teague. arXiv:1610.00127 (2016-10-01)
       bib   pdf   arXiv   link   

336.  [Spe16] Apple's Cloud Key Vault, Exceptional Access, and False Equivalences. Michael A. Specter et al.. Lawfare (2016-09-07) (Under byline of Michael A. Specter, but full list of contributors is: Harold Abelson, Ross Anderson, Steven M. Bellovin, Josh Benaloh, Matt Blaze, Whitfield Diffie, John Gilmore, Matthew Green, Susan Landau, Peter G. Neumann, Ronald L. Rivest, Jeffrey I. Schiller, Bruce Schneier, Michael A. Specter, and Daniel J. Weitzner.)
       bib   url   link   

335.  [KR16] Election Auditing and Verifiability. Joseph Kiniry and Ronald L. Rivest. (2016-09) Letter to the Editor in response to Mercuri/Neurmann "Inside Risks" article in June 2016 CACM issue.
       bib   pdf   link   

334.  [Riv16u] Symmetric Encryption via Keyrings and ECC. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given for ArcticCrypt 2016 (Svalbard, Norway). (2016-07-18)
       bib   pdf   link   

333.  [Wei16] Warning Signs: A Checklist for Recognizing Flaws of Proposed ``Exceptional Access'' Systems. Daniel J. Weitzner et al.. Lawfare (2016-05-11) (Under byline of Danny Weitzner, but full list of contributors is: Harold Abelson, Ross Anderson, Steven M. Bellovin, Josh Benaloh, Matt Blaze, Whitfield Diffie, John Gilmore, Matthew Green, Susan Landau, Peter G. Neumann, Ronald L. Rivest, Jeffrey I. Schiller, Bruce Schneier, Michael A. Specter, and Daniel J. Weitzner.)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

332.  [PR16] Towards Secure Quadratic Voting. Sunoo Park and Ronald L. Rivest. Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2016/400 (rev. 23 Aug 2016) (2016-04-21) Commissioned to appear in Public Choice 2017.
       bib   url   pdf   link   

331.  [Riv16s] On the Growth of Cryptography. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given at Brown University as part of their 2016 Cybersecurity Speaker Series. (2016-04-14)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

330.  [JTVDx16z] Server methods and apparatus for processing passcodes generated by configurable one-time authentication tokens. Ari Juels, Nikolaos Triandopoulos, Marten Van Dijk, John Brainard, Ronald Rivest, and Kevin Bowers. U.S. Patent 9,294,473 (2016-03-22)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

329.  [Riv16x] Auditability and Verifiability of Elections. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk sponsored by ACM and IEEE; given at MIT Broad Institute. (2016-03-16)
       bib   pdf   ppt   link   

328.  [Riv16z] Internet Voting---Seriously?. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk on panel on Internet Voting at EVN Conference 2016 (2016-03-11)
       bib   slides.pdf   conference   link   

327.  [AAEGR16] Time-Space Trade-offs in Population Protocols. Dan Alistarh, James Aspnes, David Eisenstat, Rati Gelashvili, and Ronald L. Rivest. CoRR abs/1602.08032(2016) (version 7: April 17, 2017)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

326.  [JTVDx16y] Configurable one-time authentication tokens with improved resilience to attacks. Ari Juels, Nikolaos Triandopoulos, Marten Van Dijk, John Brainard, Ronald Rivest, and Kevin Bowers. U.S. Patent 9,270,655 (2016-02-23)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

325.  [Riv16y] Keys Under Doormats. Ronald L. Rivest. Invited ("surprise speaker") talk given at the Enigma Conference (San Francisco) (2016-01-27)
       bib   pdf   ppt   conference   conference-media   video   link   

324.  [MNFRH15] Paris, San Bernardino, law enforcement and encryption . Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-Calif.), Rep. Bill Foster (D-Ill.), Ronald Rivest, and Martin Hellman. The Hill. (2015-12-14)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

323.  [AABBx15x] Keys under doormats: mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications. Harold Abelson, Ross Anderson, Steven M. Bellovin, Josh Benaloh, Matt Blaze, Whitfield Diffie, John Gilmore, Matthew Green, Susan Landau, Peter G. Neumann, Ronald L. Rivest, Jeffrey I. Schiller, Bruce Schneier, Michael A. Specter, and Daniel J. Weitzner. Journal of Cybersecurity (2015)
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

322.  [Riv15y] Auditability and Verifiability of Elections. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given as Capital One Fall Distinguished Lecture, Georgia Tech Institute for Security and Privacy (2015-10-27)
       bib   pdf   ppt   web-site   video   link   

321.  [AABBx15y] Keys Under Doormats. Harold ``Hal'' Abelson, Ross Anderson, Steven M. Bellovin, Josh Benaloh, Matthew Blaze, Whitfield ``Whit'' Diffie, John Gilmore, Matthew Green, Peter G. Neumann, Susan Landau, Ronald L. Rivest, Jeffrey I. Schiller, Bruce Schneier, Michael Specter, and Daniel J. Weitzner. Comm. ACM 58,10 (2015) pp. 24--26. For full report see AABBx15.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

320.  [Riv15x] DiffSum---A Simple Post-Election Risk-Limiting Audit. Ronald L. Rivest. arXiv:1509.00127 (2015-09-01)
       bib   pdf   arXiv   link   

319.  [VDTJR15] Forward secure pseudorandom number generation resilient to forward clock attacks. Marten Van Dijk, Nickolaos Triandopoulos, Ari Juels, and Ronald Rivest. U.S. Patent 9,083,515. Issued July 14, 2015. (2015-07-14)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

318.  [AABBx15] Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications. Harold Abelson, Ross Anderson, Steven M. Bellovin, Josh Benaloh, y Matthew Blaze, Whitfield Diffie, John Gilmore, Matthew Green, Peter G. Neumann, Susan Landau, Ronald L. Rivest, Jeffrey I. Schiller, Bruce Schneier, Michael Specter, and Daniel J. Weitzner. MIT CSAIL, TR-2015-026 (2015)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

317.  [OVF15] The Future of Voting: End-to-End Verifiable Internet Voting --- Specification and Feasibility Study. Overseas Vote Foundation. (2015-07) (I was on the Advisory Council for this report.)
       bib   pdf   OVF project page   link   

316.  [Riv15z] On the growth of cryptography. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given June 3, 2015 at Simons Institute Program in Cryptography (U.C. Berkeley), Historical talk series (2015-06-03)
       bib   slides.pdf   video-and-slides   link   

315.  [BRRSx15] End-to-end verifiability. Josh Benaloh, Ronald L. Rivest, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Philip B. Stark, Vanessa Teague, and Poorvi L. Vora. (2015-04-15) (This work is also part of the OVF E2EIV report.)
       bib   arxiv   link   

314.  [MR15] Method and system for micropayment transactions. Silvio Micali and Ronald L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 8,983,874. Issued March 17, 2015. (2015-03-17)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

313.  [NABDx15] System and method providing disconnected authentication. A. Nanopoulos, K. Ackerman, P. Bowness, W. Duane, M. Jakobsson, B. Kaliski, D. Pal, S.D. Rice, and R.L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 8,966,276. Issued February 24, 2015. (2015-02-24)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

312.  [ERS14] Leading the Field: Fortune Favors the Bold in Thurstonian Choice Models. Steven N. Evans, Ronald L. Rivest, and Philip B. Stark. (2014-09-20)
       bib   arxiv   link   

311.  [RS14] Spritz---A spongy RC4-like stream cipher and hash function. Ronald L. Rivest and Jacob C. N. Schuldt. (2014-08-19) Presented at Charles River Crypto Day (2014-10-24).
       bib   pdf   slides.pdf   crypto-day   iacr/eprint/2016/856   link   

310.  [BVDJx14] Graph-based approach to deterring persistent security threats. K.D. Bowers, M.E. Van Dijk, A. Juels, A.M. Oprea, R.L. Rivest, and N. Triandopoulos. U.S. Patent 8,813,234. Issued August 19, 2014. (2014-08-19)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

309.  [RR14b] Efficient End to End Verifiable Electronic Voting Employing Split Value Representations. Michael O. Rabin and Ronald L. Rivest. (2014-08-11) Proc. EVOTE 2014 (Bregenz, Austria). (Improvement of an earlier version)
       bib   pdf   conference-version   conference   link   

308.  [NIST14] VCAT Report on NIST Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines Process. NIST. (2014-07)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

307.  [Riv14b] University of Waterloo Convocation Address (Faculty of Mathematics). Ronald L. Rivest. (LiveStream) (2014-06-13)
       bib   pdf   video   link   

306.  [RR14a] Practical Provably Correct Voter Privacy Protecting End to End Voting Employing Multiparty Computations and Split Value Representations of Votes. Michael O. Rabin and Ronald L. Rivest. (2014-05-12) CalTech/MIT Voting Technology Project Working Paper 124.
       bib   pdf   VTP-WP-124   code   link   

305.  [RJ14] Key Update with Compromise Detection. Ronald L. Rivest and Ari Juels. U.S. Patent 8,699,713. Issued April 15, 2014 (2014-04-15)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

304.  [RR14] Practical End-to-End Verifiable Voting via Split-Value Representations and Randomized Partial Checking. Michael O. Rabin and Ronald L. Rivest. (2014-04-03) CalTech/MIT Voting Technology Project Working Paper 122.
       bib   pdf   VTP-WP-122   link   

303.  [DDMMx14] Picture-Hanging Puzzles. Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Yair N. Minsky, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Ronald L. Rivest, and Mihai P\u{a}tra\c{s}cu. Theory of Computing Systems 54,4 (2014) pp. 531--550.
       bib   pdf   link   

302.  [BR14] Honeywords: A New Tool for Protections From Password Database Breach. Kevin Bowers and Ronald L. Rivest. Presented at RSA Conference 2014 (2014-02-26)
       bib   pdf   pptx   RSA Conference 2014   link   

301.  [Riv14a] Genetic Modification For Cell Pedigree Labels To Aid Disease Treatment. Ronald L. Rivest. (2014-02-18) Unpublished draft.
       bib   pdf   link   

300.  [Riv14c] Reflections on SDSI. Ronald L. Rivest. (2014-02-13) Given at LampsonFest (Microsoft, Cambridge, MA) in celebration of Butler Lampson's birthday.
       bib   pdf   link   

299.  [Ax14] An Open Letter from US Researchers in Cryptography and Information Security. Martin Abadi and others. (2014-01-24)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

298.  [JR13] Honeywords: Making Password-Cracking Detectable. Ari Juels and Ronald L. Rivest. CCS'13 (Berlin, Germany, 2013)Proc. ACM CCS'13. (2013-11-04) pp. 145--159.
       bib   acm   doi   pdf   bib (rivest-macbook-pro-C.local's conflicted copy 2020-12-06).txt   Honeywords-Project-Page   link   

297.  [BJRS13a] User Authentication Based on Voucher Codes. John G. Brainard, Ari Juels, Ronald L. Rivest, and Michael Szyldo. U.S. Patent 8,438,617. Issued May 7, 2013. (2013-05-07)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

296.  [BJRS13b] Drifting Keys: Impersonation Detection for Constrained Devices. Kevin D. Bowers, Ari Juels, Ronald L. Rivest, and Emily Shen. INFOCOM 2013 (Turin, Italy, 2013)Proc. INFOCOM 2013. (2013-04-14)
       bib   pdf   INFOCOM'13   link   

295.  [JVDOx13] Remote Verification of File Protections for Cloud Data Storage. Ari Juels, Marten van Dijk, Alina Oprea, Ronald L. Rivest, and Emil P. Stefanov. U.S. Patent 8,346,742. Issued January 1, 2013. (2013-01-01)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

294.  [DJOR13] FlipIt: The Game of ``Stealthy Takeover''. Marten van Dijk, Ari Juels, Alina Oprea, and Ronald L. Rivest. J. Cryptology 26(2013) pp. 655-713.
       bib   doi   pdf   bib (rivest-macbook-pro-C.local's conflicted copy 2020-12-06).txt   link   

293.  [SE12] Letter to President Obama on Voting. Barbara Simons and others. (2012-12-05)
       bib   pdf   VV-posting   blog   link   

292.  [AE12] Letter to President Obama on Election Reform and Verification. Kim Alexander and others. (2012-11-20)
       bib   pdf   CalVoter-posting   blog   link   

291.  [Riv12d] Turing and the Growth of Cryptography. Ronald L. Rivest. Invited talk at Boston University Turing 100 Celebration. (2012-11-11)
       bib   slides.pdf   event   link   

290.  [BVDGx12] Defending against the Unknown Enemy: Applying FlipIt to System Security. Kevin D. Bowers, Marten van Dijk, Robert Griffin, Ari Juels, Alina Oprea, Ronald L. Rivest, and Nikos Triandopoulos. GameSec'12 (Budapest, Hungary, 2012)Proc. GameSec 2012. Jens Grossklags and Jean Walrand (eds.) (2012-11-05) pp. 248--263.
       bib   doi   pdf   GameSec'12   ePrint(extended-version)   link   

289.  [Riv12c] Thoughts On Appropriate Technologies for Voting. Ronald L. Rivest. Invited keynote given at online special event, ``E-Voting: Risk and Opportunity,'' organized by the Center for Information Technology and Policy (CITP) at Princeton University. (2012-11-01)
       bib   slides.pdf   event   video   link   

288.  [AKSRx12] Voting: What Has Changed, What Hasn't, & What Needs Improvement. R. Michael Alvarez, Jonathan N. Katz, Charles Stewart III, Ronald L. Rivest, Stephen Ansolabehere, and Thad E. Hall. Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project (2012)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

287.  [DJORx12] Hourglass schemes: how to prove that cloud files are encrypted. Marten van Dijk, Ari Juels, Alina Oprea, Ronald L. Rivest, Emil Stefanov, and Nikos Triandopoulos. CCS'12 (Raleigh, NC, 2012)Proc. CCS'12 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. George Danezis and Virgil Gligor (eds.) (2012-10-16/2012-10-18) pp. 265--280.
       bib   acm   doi   pdf   CCS'12   link   

286.  [RLAWG12] Risk-Limiting Post-Election Audits: Why and How. Risk-Limiting Audits Working Group. (2012-10) (Version 1.1)
       bib   pdf   link   

285.  [RS12b] A Bayesian Method for Auditing Elections. Ronald L. Rivest and Emily Shen. EVT/WOTE'12 (Seattle, WA, 2012)Proceedings 2012 EVT/WOTE Conference. J. Alex Halderman and Olivier Pereira (eds.) (2012-08-07)
       bib   url   pdf   slides.pdf   EVT/WOTE'12   video   interactive implementation   link   

284.  [Riv12b] Remarks on Turing and cryptography. Ronald L. Rivest. (2012-06-16) This note contains remarks made at a panel discussion entitled "Information Data Security in a Networked Future" June 16, 2012 at the ACM Turing Centenary in San Francisco, CA.
       bib   txt   ACM-Turing-Centenary   webcast   link   

283.  [DDMMx12] Picture-Hanging Puzzles. Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Yair N. Minsky, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Ronald L. Rivest, and Mihai P{\u a}trascu. FUN 2012 (Venice, Italy, 2012)Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fun with Algorithms. Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc, and Flaminia Luccio (eds.) (2012-06) pp. 81--93.
       bib   pdf   bib (rivest-macbook-pro-C.local's conflicted copy 2020-12-06).txt   conference   arXiv   link   

282.  [Riv12a] Protecting your vote. Ronald L. Rivest. Published in The Boston Globe, in The Podium section (2012-04-03)
       bib   url   txt   link   

281.  [DJOR12] FlipIt: The Game of ``Stealthy Takeover''. Marten van Dijk, Ari Juels, Alina Oprea, and Ronald L. Rivest. (2012-02-26) IACR ePrint Archive Report 2012/103.
       bib   url   pdf   associated-talk   RSA-Labs-FlipIt-site   link   

280.  [RS12a] Statistical Robustness of Voting Rules. Ronald L. Rivest and Emily Shen. (2012-01-25)
       bib   ver-2012-01-25.pdf   link   

279.  [RSX11] Complexity of Computing the Margin of Victory for Various Voting Rules. Ronald L. Rivest, Emily Shen, and Lirong Xia. Poster session at First Cambridge Area Economics and Computation Day (2011-11-18)
       bib   shen-slides.pdf   shen-slides.pptx   CAEC'11   link   

278.  [Riv11d] Remarks on On-line Voting (aka ``Internet Voting''). Ronald L. Rivest. Panel discussion, reported on by Luther Weeks. (2011-10-27) On October 27th, 2011, I participated in a panel about on-line voting ("internet voting"), held at Central Connecticut State University, that was organized by the office of Connecticut's Secretary of State, Denise Miller. A sumary of this event, including videos, can be found at the following url. A PBS NewsHour report (2/16/2012) on ``Internet Voting: Will Democracy or Hackers Win?'' featured clips from this event.
       bib   url   PBS-NewsHour   link   

277.  [BDJOR11] How to Tell if Your Cloud Files are Vulnerable to Drive Crashes. Kevin D. Bowers, Marten van Dijk, Ari Juels, Alina Oprea, and Ronald L. Rivest. CCS'11 (Chicago, Illinois, 2011)Proceedings 18th Annual ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. George Danezis and Vitaly Shmatikov (eds.) (2011) pp. 501--514.
       bib   acm   doi   pdf   CCS'11   link   

276.  [Riv11c] Remarks on the Future of Election Integrity. Ronald L. Rivest. Panel discussion (2011-10-01) Panel remarks given at EIPPF 2011 (Election Integrity: Past, Present, and Future) workshop, held at MIT on October 1, 2011. The following links give (a rough version of) my remarks, and the url links to videos of EIPPF 2011 (my talk in is the third panel, on "The Future").
       bib   url   txt   link   

275.  [Riv11b] Illegitimi non carborundum. Ronald L. Rivest. Invited keynote talk given at CRYPTO 2011 (2011-08-15) A link to the slides and associated movie (which needs to be in the same directory when shown) is given below. (This talk was given again, in brisker form, at the 2011-08-30 Celebration for Michael Rabin at Harvard.) More information on FlipIt, including a link to an interactive version of the game, will become available at
       bib   slides.pdf   associated-paper   link   

274.  [MRSW11] Computing the Margin of Victory in IRV Elections. Thomas R. Magrino, Ronald L. Rivest, Emily Shen, and David Wagner. EVT/WOTE'11 (San Francisco, California, 2011)Proceedings 2011 EVT/WOTE Conference. Hovav Shacham and Vanessa Teague (eds.) (2011-08-08) The online conference proceedings provide a link to Magrino's talk slides and a video of his presentation.
       bib   url   pdf   link   

273.  [Riv11f] On the contributions of Alan Turing. Ronald L. Rivest. Remarks given March 15, 2011 at the American Academy of Arts and Science, Cambridge, MA, in association with readings from "Breaking the Code". (2011-03-15)
       bib   remarks-video   event-site   link   

272.  [Riv11a] The growth of cryptography. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given February 8, 2011 at my Killian award lecture. (2011-02-08)
       bib   bib (rivest-macbook-pro-C.local's conflicted copy 2020-12-06).txt   slides.pdf   video   better-video   press   link   

271.  [Riv11e] On the invertibility of the XOR of rotations of a binary word. Ronald L. Rivest. International Journal of Computer Mathematics 88,2 (2011) pp. 281--284.
       bib   doi   prepub.pdf   link   

270.  [LRW11] Tweakable Block Ciphers. Moses Liskov, Ronald L. Rivest, and David Wagner. Journal of Cryptology 24,3 (2011) pp. 588--613.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

269.  [HRS11] Sharper p-values for stratified election audits. Michael J. Higgins, Ronald L. Rivest, and Philip B. Stark. Statistics, Politics, and Policy 2,1, Article 7 (2011)
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

268.  [RS10] An Optimal Single-Winner Preferential Voting System Based on Game Theory. Ronald L. Rivest and Emily Shen. COMSOC 2010 (D\"{u}sseldorf, Germany, 2010)Proceedings Third International Workshop on Computational Social Choice. Vincent Conitzer and J\"{o}rg Rothe (eds.) (2010-09)
       bib   url   bib (rivest-macbook-pro-C.local's conflicted copy 2020-12-06).txt   conference.pdf   full.pdf   workshop   code   Wikipedia on maximal lotteries   link   

267.  [CCCCx10] Scantegrity II Municipal Election at Takoma Park: The first E2E Binding Governmental Election with Ballot Privacy. Richard Carback, David Chaum, Jeremy Clark, John Conway, Aleksander Essex, Paul S. Herrnson, Travis Mayberry, Stefan Popoveniuc, Ronald L. Rivest, Emily Shen, Alan T. Sherman, and Poorvi L. Vora. USENIX '10 (Washington, D.C., 2010)Proceedings USENIX Security 2010. Ian Goldberg (ed.) (2010)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

266.  [Riv10] Thoughts on UOCAVA voting. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk at Workshop on UOCAVA Remote Voting Systems (2010-08-06)
       bib   slides.pdf   workshop   link   

265.  [SCCCx10] Scantegrity Mock Election at Takoma Park. Alan T. Sheman, Richard Carback, David Chaum, Jeremy Clark, Aleksander Essex, Paul S. Herrnson, Travis Mayberry, Stefan Popoveniuc, Ronald L. Rivest, Emily Shen, Bimal Sinha, and Poorvi Vora. EVOTE2010 (Bregenz, Austria, 2010)Proceedings of Electronic Voting 2010. Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Electronic Voting. Robert Kimmer and R\"udiger Grimm (eds.) (2010) pp. 35--51.
       bib   pdf   conference   link   

264.  [Gx10] Climate change and the integrity of science. P. H. Gleick and others. Science 328(2010) pp. 689--690.
       bib   url   pdf   alt.pdf   link   

263.  [Kan10] Voting and Verifiability. Christine Kane. Vantage Magazine 7,1 (2010) pp. 13--15. (Interview with Ronald L. Rivest.)
       bib   pdf   link   

262.  [CJRRx10] Towards Trustworthy Elections: New Directions in Electronic Voting. David Chaum, Markus Jakobsson, Ronald L. Rivest, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Josh Benaloh, Miroslaw Kutylowski, and Ben Adida (eds.) (Springer, 2010)
       bib   url   link   

261.  [RCPRx09] Guest editorial: Special Issue on Electronic Voting. Ronald L. Rivest, David Chaum, Bart Preneel, Aviel D. Rubin, Donald G. Saari, and Poorvi L. Vora. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 4,4 (2009) pp. 593--596.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

260.  [CCCEx09] Scantegrity II: End-to-End Verifiability by Voters of Optical Scan Elections Through Confirmation Codes. David Chaum, Richard T. Carback, Jeremy Clark, Aleksander Essex, Stefan Popoveniuc, Ronald L. Rivest, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Emily Shen, Alan T. Sherman, and Poorvi L. Vora. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 4,4 (2009) pp. 611--627.
       bib   doi   pdf   correction.pdf   link   

259.  [Riv09d] Security of Voting Systems. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given at George Washington University Computer Science Department on November 9, 2009. (2009-11-09)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   link   

258.  [Riv09c] Audit Thoughts. Ronald L. Rivest. Slides for a brief talk on post-election auditing, given at the Post-Election Audit Workshop, organized by the American Statistical Association on October 24, 2009 (Alexandria, Virginia) (2009-10-24)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   link   

257.  [Riv09b] Perspectives on E2E Voting Systems. Ronald L. Rivest. Keynote talk given at NIST End-to-End Voting Systems Workshop on October 13, 2009 (2009-10-13)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   link   

256.  [Riv09a] The ``Taint'' Leakage Model. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given at rump session at the 2009 Crypto in the Clouds Workshop (MIT) on August 4, 2009 (2009-08-04)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.pptx   link   

255.  [BKNR09] System and method for authentication seed distribution. John G. Brainard, Burton S. Kaliski, Magnus Nystr\"{o}m, and Ronald L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 7,502,467. Issued March 10, 2009. (2009-03-10)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

254.  [DRRS09] Indifferentiability of Permutation-Based Compression Functions and Tree-Based Modes of Operation, with Applications to MD6. Yevgeniy Dodis, Leonid Reyzin, Ronald L. Rivest, and Emily Shen. FSE '09 (Leuven, Belgium, 2009)Proceedings of Fast Software Encryption 2009. Orr Dunkelman (ed.) (2009) pp. 104--121.
       bib   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   link   

253.  [CLRS09] Introduction to Algorithms (Third edition). Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. (MIT Press, 2009)
       bib   url   errata   thc-faq   link   

252.  [RABCx08] The MD6 Hash Function---A Proposal to NIST for SHA-3. Ronald L. Rivest, Benjamin Agre, Daniel V. Bailey, Christopher Crutchfield, Yevgeniy Dodis, Kermin Elliott Fleming, Asif Khan, Jayant Krishnamurthy, Yuncheng Lin, Leo Reyzin, Emily Shen, Jim Sukha, Drew Sutherland, Eran Tromer, and Yiqun Lisa Yin. Submitted to NIST on October 27, 2008 (2008-10-27) (pdf given revised April 5, 2010.)
       bib   pdf   MD6 project website   link   

251.  [Riv08b] On the notion of `software independence' in voting systems. Ronald L. Rivest. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A 366,1881 (2008) pp. 3759--3767.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

250.  [Riv08c] The MD6 Hash Function. Ronald L. Rivest. Invited keynote talk given at CRYPTO 2008 (2008-08)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   link   

249.  [CCCEx08] Scantegrity II: End-to-End Verifiability for Optical Scan Election Systems using Invisible Ink Confirmation Codes. David Chaum, Richard Carback, Jeremy Clark, Aleksander Essex, Stefan Popoveniuc, Ronald L. Rivest, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Emily Shen, and Alan T. Sherman. EVT'08 (San Jose, California, 2008)Proceedings 2008 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop. David Dill and Tadayoshi Kohno (eds.) (2008)
       bib   url   pdf   EVT'08   link   

248.  [APR08] On Auditing Elections When Precincts Have Different Sizes. Javed Aslam, Raluca A. Popa, and Ronald L. Rivest. EVT'08 (San Jose, California, 2008)Proceedings 2008 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop. David Dill and Tadayoshi Kohno (eds.) (2008)
       bib   url   pdf   slides.pdf   EVT'08   link   

247.  [Riv08a] A "Sum of Square Roots" (SSR) Pseudorandom Sampling Method for Election Audits. Ronald L. Rivest. (2008-04-25) Unpublished draft.
       bib   pdf   link   

246.  [BKR08] Method and apparatus for performing enhanced time-based authentication. John G. Brainard, Burton S. Kaliski, and Ronald L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 7,363,494. Issued April 22, 2008. (2008-04-22)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

245.  [Riv07b] A Simple Rule of Thumb for Election Audit Size Determination. Ronald L. Rivest. (2007-10-31) Unpublished draft.
       bib   pdf   link   

244.  [TGDC07] VVSG Recommendations to the EAC. Technical Guidelines Development Committee. Delivered to the EAC on September 4, 2007 for consideration and public comment. (2007-08-31) (VVSG means ``Voluntary Voting System Guidelines''.)
       bib   pdf   VVSG   EAC   link   

243.  [CRSTx07] Amplifying Collision Resistance: A Complexity-Theoretic Treatment. Ran Canetti, Ronald L. Rivest, Madhu Sudan, Luca Trevisan, Salil Vadhan, and Hoeteck Wee. CRYPTO '07 (Santa Barbara, California, 2007)Advanced in Cryptology -- CRYPTO '07, 27th Annual International Cryptology Conference. Alfred Menezes (ed.) (2007) pp. 264--283.
       bib   pdf   link   

242.  [RS07] Three Voting Protocols: ThreeBallot, VAV, and Twin. Ronald L. Rivest and Warren D. Smith. EVT '07 (Boston, Massachusetts, 2007)Proceedings of the 2007 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop. Ray Martinez and David Wagner (eds.) (2007)
       bib   url   pdf   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   EVT'07   link   

241.  [APR07] On Estimating the Size and Confidence of a Statistical Audit. Javed A. Aslam, Raluca A. Popa, and Ronald L. Rivest. EVT '07 (Boston, Massachusetts, 2007)Proceedings of the 2007 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop. Ray Martinez and David Wagner (eds.) (2007)
       bib   url   pdf   popa-slides.pdf   popa-slides.ppt   EVT'07   link   

240.  [CKRR08] Frontiers of Electronic Voting---Dagstuhl Seminar 07311: Executive Summary. David Chaum, Miroslaw Kutylowski, Ronald L. Rivest, and Peter Y. A. Ryan. Dagstuhl Seminar 07311--Frontiers of Electronic Voting (Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2007)Frontiers of Electronic Voting. David Chaum, Miroslaw Kutylowski, Ronald L. Rivest, and Peter Y. A. Ryan (eds.) (2008-07)
       bib   url   pdf   Abstracts-of-meeting   link   

239.  [Riv07a] On Auditing Elections When Precincts Have Different Sizes. Ronald L. Rivest. (2007-04-29) Replaced by 248. [APR08]. Unpublished draft.
       bib   pdf   dataset.txt   link   

238.  [YABCx07] Robbing the bank with a theorem prover. Paul Youn, Ben Adida, Mike Bond, Jolyon Clulow, Jonathan Herzog, Amerson Lin, Ronald L. Rivest, and Ross Anderson. SPW'10 (Brno, Czech Republic, 2007)Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Security Protocols. Bruce Christianson, Bruno Crispo, James Malcolm, and Michael Roe (eds.) (2007) pp. 171. For full report see YABCx05.
       bib   doi   pdf   discussion.pdf   discussion.doi   link   

237.  [ABCLx07] On the security of the EMV secure messaging API (Extended Abstract). Ben Adida, Mike Bond, Jolyon Clulow, Amerson Lin, Ross Anderson, and Ronald L. Rivest. SPW '07 (Brno, Czech Republic, 2007)Proceedings of Security Protocols Workshop 2007. Bruce Christianson, Bruno Crispo, James A. Malcolm, and Michael Roe (eds.) (2010) pp. 147--149.
       bib   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   link   

236.  [WLM07] Engaging Privacy and Information Technology in a Digital Age. James Waldo, Herbert S. Lin, and Lynette Millett (eds.) (National Academies Press, 2007) (Rivest served on the NRC Committee on Privacy in the Information Age, which produced this report.)
       bib   url   (pdf)   link   

235.  [ACHR07] Lightweight Email Signatures. Ben Adida, David Chau, Susan Hohenberger, and Ronald L. Rivest. Chapter 10.6. Phishing and Countermeasures---Understanding the Increasing Problem of Electronic Identity Theft. Markus Jakobsson and Steven Myers (eds.) (Wiley, 2007) pp. 435--453. (2007) Revised version of ACHR06.
       bib   pdf   link   

234.  [Riv06d] On Estimating the Size of a Statistical Audit. Ronald L. Rivest. (2006-11-14) Replaced by 241. [APR07]. Unpublished draft.
       bib   pdf   link   

233.  [BJRSY06] Fourth Factor Authentication: Somebody you know. John Brainard, Air Juels, Ronald L. Rivest, Michael Szydlo, and Moti Yung. CCS '06 (Alexandria, Virginia, 2006)Proceedings of the 13th ACM conference on computer and communications security. Rebecca Wright and Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati (eds.) (2006) pp. 168--178.
       bib   acm   doi   pdf   CCS'06   link   

232.  [AR06] Scratch & vote: self-contained paper-based cryptographic voting. Ben Adida and Ronald L. Rivest. WPES '06 (Alexandria, Virginia, 2006)Proceedings of the 5th ACM workshop on privacy in electronic society. Roger Dingledine and Ting Yu (eds.) (2006) pp. 29--39.
       bib   acm   doi   pdf   adida-slides.pdf   WPES'06   link   

231.  [Riv06c] The ThreeBallot Voting System. Ronald L. Rivest. (2006-10-01) Replaced by 242. [RS07]. Unpublished draft.
       bib   pdf   link   

230.  [ACHR06] Lightweight Email Signatures (Extended Abstract). Ben Adida, David Chau, Susan Hohenberger, and Ronald L. Rivest. SCN '06 (Maiori, Italy, 2006)Proceedings 5th Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks. Roberto De Prisco and Moti Yung (eds.) (2006) pp. 288--302.
       bib   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   link   

229.  [RW06] On the notion of ``software independence'' in voting systems. Ronald L. Rivest and John P. Wack. Prepared for the TGDC, and posted by NIST at the given url. (2006-07-28) Replaced by 251. [Riv08b].
       bib   url   pdf   link   

228.  [ABCLx06] Phish and Chips --- Traditional and New Recipes for Attacking EMV. Ben Adida, Mike Bond, Jolyon Clulow, Amerson Lin, Steven Murdoch, Ross Anderson, and Ron[ald L.] Rivest. SPW'06 (Cambridge, UK, 2006)Revised Selected Papers from Fourteenth International Workshop on Security Protocols. Bruce Christianson, Bruno Crispo, James Malcolm, and Michael Roe (eds.) (2006) pp. 40--48.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

227.  [Riv06b] Recollections of Stanford CS 1969--1973. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given March 21, 2006 at Stanford Computer Science Forum celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Stanford CS Department (2006-03-21)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   link   

226.  [Riv06a] Perspectives on Financial Cryptography (revisited). Ronald L. Rivest. Invited keynote talk given 2/27/06 at Financial Cryptography 2006. (An update on talk given 2/27/97 at Financial Cryptography 1997.) (2006-02-27)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   FC'97 talk   link   

225.  [BKNR06] System and method for authentication seed distribution. John G. Brainard, Burton S. Kaliski, Magnus Nystr\"{o}m, and Ronald L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 6,985,583. Issued January 10, 2006. (2006-01-10)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

224.  [RST06] How to Leak a Secret: Theory and Application of Ring Signatures. Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Yael Tauman. Theoretical Computer Science: Essays in Memory of Shimon Even. Oded Goldreich, Arnold L. Rosenberg, and Alan L. Selman (eds.) (Springer, 2006) pp. 164--186. (2006)
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

223.  [JRS05] Method and apparatus for selective blocking of radio frequency identification devices. Ari Juels, Ronald L. Rivest, and Michael Szydlo. U.S. Patent 6,970,070. Issued November 29, 2005. (2005-11-29)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

222.  [Riv05c] Abelian square-free dithering for iterated hash functions. Ronald L. Rivest. HASH'05 (NIST Gaithersburg, Maryland, 2005)Proceedings NIST First Cryptographic Hash Workshop. (2005-11-01)
       bib   url   pdf   code.c   HASH'05   related-talk   link   

221.  [Riv05b] Preliminary Voting---Prevoting. Ronald L. Rivest. Unpublished draft. (2005-08-06)
       bib   pdf   link   

220.  [YABCx05] Robbing the bank with a theorem prover. Paul Youn, Ben Adida, Mike Bond, Jolyon Clulow, Jonathan Herzog, Amerson Lin, Ronald L. Rivest, and Ross Anderson. University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory (2005) Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR-644. Also see YABCx07.
       bib   url   pdf   link   

219.  [AHR05b] Lightweight Encryption for Email. Ben Adida, Susan Hohenberger, and Ronald L. Rivest. SRUTI '05 (Cambridge, MA, 2005)Proceedings 2005 Workshop on Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet. Dina Katabi and Balachander Krishnamurthy (eds.) (2005) pp. 93--99.
       bib   url   pdf   adida-slides.pdf   link   

218.  [Riv05a] Abelian Square-free-dithering for iterated hash functions. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given at ECRYPT workshop on Hash Functions (Przegorzaly (Krakow), Poland) (2005-06-23)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   related-paper   link   

217.  [AHR05a] Ad-Hoc Group Signatures from Hijacked Keypairs. Ben Adida, Susan Hohenberger, and Ronald L. Rivest. Unpublished draft. A preliminary version was presented by Ben Adida at the April 14--15, 2005 DIMACS Workshop on Theft in E-Commerce. (2005-06-24)
       bib   pdf   workshop   link   

216.  [RK03] RSA Problem. Ronald L. Rivest and Burt Kaliski. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security. Henk C. A. Van Tilborg (ed.) (Springer, 2005) (2005)
       bib   prepub.pdf   link   

215.  [LSYRR05] Permutation Operations in Block Ciphers. Ruby B. Lee, Zhijie J. Shi, Yiqun Lisa Yin, Ronald L. Rivest, and Matthew J. B. Robshaw. Chapter 13. Embedded Cryptographic Hardware: Design \& Security. Nadia Nedjah and Luiza de Macedo Mourelle (eds.) (Nova Science, 2005) pp. 219--234. (2005) A previous version appeared as LSYRR04.
       bib   link   

214.  [RCBDR04] Access-Controlled Resource Discovery for Pervasive Networks. Sanjay Raman, Dwaine Clarke, Matt Burnside, Srinivas Devadas, and Ronald L. Rivest. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 16,11 (2004) pp. 1099--1120. An extended version of RCBDR03.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

213.  [Riv04b] Electronic Voting. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given at the NSA June 3, 2004. (2004-06-03)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   link   

212.  [Riv04a] Remarks on Electronic Voting. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government Digital Voting Symposium, June 1, 2004. (2004-06-01)
       bib   remarks.txt   link   

211.  [Riv04d] Some thoughts on electronic voting. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given May 26, 2004 at DIMACS Workshop on Electronic Voting (2004-05-26)
       bib   url   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   workshop   link   

210.  [LSYRR04] On Permutation Operations in Cipher Design. Ruby B. Lee, Zhijie J. Shi, Yiqun Lisa Yin, Ronald L. Rivest, and Matthew J. B. Robshaw. ITCC'04 (Las Vegas, Nevada, 2004)Proceedings International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 2004. Pradip K. Srimani (ed.) (2004-04) pp. 569--577.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

209.  [Riv04e] On the Notion of Pseudo-Free Groups. Ronald L. Rivest. TCC'04 (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2004)Proceedings First Theory of Cryptography Conference 2004. Moni Naor (ed.) (2004) pp. 505--521.
       bib   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   TCC'04   link   

208.  [Riv04c] Peppercoin Micropayments. Ronald L. Rivest. FC'04 (Key West, 2004)Proceedings Financial Cryptography 2004. Ari Juels (ed.) (2004-02) pp. 2--8.
       bib   doi   pdf   slides.ppt   slides.slides.pdf   FC'04   link   

207.  [JRS03] The Blocker Tag: Selective blocking of RFID Tags for Consumer Privacy. Ari Juels, Ronald L. Rivest, and Michael Szydlo. CCS'03 (Washington, DC, )Proceedings Tenth ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. Vijay Atluri and Trent Jaeger (eds.) (2003-10) pp. 103--111.
       bib   acm   doi   pdf   juels-slides.pdf   prepub.pdf   RSA page   link   

206.  [ARS03] 2002 ACM A. M. Turing Award Lectures. Leonard M. Adleman, Ronald L. Rivest, and Adi Shamir. Talks given June 8, 2003 at FCRC in San Diego, California. (2003-06-08) Rivest's lecture titled ``The Early Days of RSA: History and Lessons''.
       bib   acm   doi   rivest-slides.pdf   rivest-slides.ppt   ACM Turing Award   Adleman   Rivest   Shamir   link   

205.  [RCBDR03] Access-Controlled Resource Discovery for Pervasive Networks. Sanjay Raman, Dwaine Clarke, Matt Burnside, Srinivas Devadas, and Ronald [L.] Rivest. SAC '03 (Melbourne, Florida, 2003)Proceedings of the 2003 Symposium on Applied Computing. Hisham Haddad and George Papadopoulos (eds.) (2003) pp. 338--345.
       bib   acm   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   SAC'03   link   

204.  [SORJx03] Does Anyone Really Need Micropayments?. Nicko van Someren, Andrew Odlyzko, Ronald L. Rivest, Tim Jones, and Duncan Goldie-Scot. FC'03 (Guadeloupe, French West Indies, 2003)Proceedings Financial Cryptography 2003. Rebecca N. Wright (ed.) (2003-01) pp. 69--76.
       bib   doi   pdf   FC'03   link   

203.  [BCGKx02] The Untrusted Computer Problem and Camera-Based Authentication. Matt Burnside, Dwaine Clarke, Blaise Gassend, Thomas Kotwal, Marten van Dijk, Srinivas Devadas, and Ronald [L.] Rivest. Pervasive 2002 (Zurich, Switzerland, 2002)Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Computing. Friedemann Mattern and Mahmoud Naghshineh (eds.) (2002) pp. 114--124.
       bib   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   link   

202.  [LRW02] Tweakable Block Ciphers. Moses Liskov, Ronald L. Rivest, and David Wagner. CRYPTO'02 (Santa Barbara, California, 2002)Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2002. Moti Yung (ed.) (2002-08) pp. 31--46. Replaced by 270. [LRW11].
       bib   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   link   

201.  [JJR02] Making Mix Nets Robust for Electronic Voting by Randomized Partial Checking. Markus Jakobsson, Ari Juels, and Ronald L. Rivest. SEC'02 (San Francisco, California, 2002)Proceedings USENIX Security 2002. Dan Boneh (ed.) (2002-08) pp. 339--353. Also available as IACR eprint 2002/025.
       bib   pdf   prepub.pdf   SEC'02   eprint   link   

200.  [WCGRW02] Privacy Tradeoffs: myth or reality? (Panel Summary). Rebecca N. Wright, L. Jean Camp, Ian Goldberg, Ronald L. Rivest, and Graham Wood. FC'02 (Southampton, Bermuda, 2002)Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Financial Cryptography. Matt Blaze (ed.) (2002-03) pp. 147--151.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

199.  [BCMMx02] Proxy-based Security Protocols in Networked Mobile Devices. M. Burside, D. Clarke, T. Mills, A. Maywah, S. Devadas, and R[onald L.] Rivest. SAC 2002 (Madrid, Spain, 2002)Proceedings 2002 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Hisham Haddad and George Papadopoulos (eds.) (2002) pp. 265--272.
       bib   acm   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   SAC'02   link   

198.  [MR02b] Transitive signature schemes. Silvio Micali and Ronald L. Rivest. CT-RSA'02 (San Jose, California, 2002)Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2002: Cryptographer's Track at the RSA Conference 2002. Bart Preneel (ed.) (2002-02) pp. 236--243. A related talk Riv00 was given in 2000.
       bib   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   link   

197.  [MR02a] Micropayments revisited. Silvio Micali and Ronald L. Rivest. CT-RSA'02 (San Jose, California, 2002)Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2002: Cryptographer's Track at the RSA Conference 2002. Bart Preneel (ed.) (2002-02) pp. 149--163. A related talk RM02 was given at the FC'02 ``rump session''.
       bib   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   link   

196.  [CRR02] An Efficient Scheme for Route Aggregation. Suresh Chari, Tal Rabin, and Ronald L. Rivest. (2002-02-01) A related talk Riv00 was given in 2000.
       bib   pdf   link   

195.  [RM02] Peppercorn Micropayments via better ``Lottery Tickets''. Ronald L. Rivest and Silvio Micali. Talk given at the ``rump session'' of Financial Cryptography 2002. (2002)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   link   

194.  [RST01] How to Leak a Secret. Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Yael Tauman. ASIACRYPT 2001 (Gold Coast, Australia, 2001)Advances in Cryptology -- ASIACRYPT 2001. Colin Boyd (ed.) (2001) pp. 552--565.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

193.  [BJR01] A Modular Voting Architecture (``Frogs''). Shuki Bruck, David Jefferson, and Ronald L. Rivest. Talk presented at WOTE 2001 (Workshop on Trustworthy Elections) (2001-08) Reprinted in CJRRx10.
       bib   pdf   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   link   

192.  [RRSY01] Enchanced block ciphers with data-dependent rotations. Ronald L. Rivest, Matthew John Barton Robshaw, Raymond Mark Sidney, and Yiqun Lisa Yin. U.S. Patent 6,269,163. Issued July 31, 2001. (2001-07-31)
       bib   pdf   google-patent-page   link   

191.  [VTP01] Voting---What is, What Could Be. CalTech MIT Voting Technology Project. California Institute of Technology and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2001)
       bib   pdf   rivest-press-conference-remarks.txt   VTP site for report   link   

190.  [Riv01e] Security in Voting Technology. Ronald L. Rivest. (2001-05-24) Testimony given to U.S. Committee on House Administration May 24, 2001.
       bib   txt   link   

189.  [Riv01d] Multi-grade cryptography. Ronald L. Rivest. (2001-04-29) Unpublished draft.
       bib   pdf   link   

188.  [Riv01c] Permutation polynomials modulo 2^w. Ronald L. Rivest. Finite Fields and Their Applications 7,2 (2001) pp. 287--292.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

187.  [Riv01a] Issues in Cryptography. Ronald L. Rivest. Short luncheon talk given March 7, 2001 at Computers, Freedom, and Privacy 2001 Conference (2001-03-07)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   link   

186.  [Riv01b] Electronic voting. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given for Cambridge Club at Harvard Faculty Club, March 5, 2001. (2001-03-05)
       bib   slides.pdf   slides.ppt   link   

185.  [GNRRY01] The Business of Electronic Voting. Ed Gerck, Andrew Neff, Ronald L. Rivest, Aviel D. Rubin, and Moti Yung. FC'01 (Grand Cayman, British West Indies, 2001)Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Financial Cryptography 2001. Paul F. Syverson (ed.) (2001-02) pp. 243--268.
       bib   doi   pdf   rivest-only-prepub.pdf   link   

184.  [RS01] Are ``Strong'' Primes Needed for RSA?. Ronald L. Rivest and Robert D. Silverman. IACR Cryptology ePrint archive, paper 2001/007 (Version 1998-12-01 Submitted January 30, 2001). (2001-01-30)
       bib   url   pdf   version-1999-11-22.pdf   link   

183.  [CLRS01] Introduction to Algorithms (Second edition). Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. (MIT Press and McGraw Hill, 2001)
       bib   url   link   

182.  [CEEFx01] Certificate chain discovery in SPKI/SDSI. Dwaine Clarke, Jean-Emile Elien, Carl Ellison, Matt Fredette, Alexander Morcos, and Ronald L. Rivest. Journal of Computer Security 9,4 (2001) pp. 285--322.
       bib   pdf   link   

181.  [Riv00] Two signature schemes. Ronald L. Rivest. Talk given October 17, 2000 at Cambridge University. (2000-10-17)
       bib   slides.pdf   scheme 1:MR02b   scheme 2:CRR02   link   

180.  [RRY00] The Case for RC6 as the AES. Ronald L. Rivest, M.J.B. Robshaw, and Yiqun Yin. Comment submitted to NIST May 16, 2000 for round 2 of AES competition. (2000-05-16)
       bib   pdf   NIST-round-2-comments   link   

179.  [Riv99d] Unconditionally secure commitment and Oblivious Transfer Schemes Using Private Channels and a Trusted Initializer. Ronald L. Rivest. (1999-11-08)
       bib   pdf   link   

178.  [BR99] Translucent Cryptography---An Alternative to Key Escrow, and Its Implementation via Fractional Oblivious Transfer. Mihir Bellare and Ronald L. Rivest. Journal of Cryptology 12,2 (1999) pp. 117--139.
       bib   doi   pdf   prepub.MIT-LCS-TR-683.pdf   link   

177.  [EFLRx99b] SPKI Certificate Theory. C[arl] Ellison, B[ill] Frantz, B[utler] Lampson, R[onald L.] Rivest, B[rian M.] Thomas, and T[atu] Ylonen. Internet Network Working Group Request for Comments: RFC 2693 (September 1999). (1999-09)
       bib   txt   link   

176.  [LRSW99] Pseudonym Systems. Anna Lysyanskaya, Ronald L. Rivest, Amit Sahai, and Stefan Wolf. SAC'99 (Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1999)Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography 1999. Howard M. Heys and Carlisle M. Adams (eds.) (1999) pp. 184--199.
       bib   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   link   

175.  [ABRS99] Piecemeal graph exploration by a mobile robot. Baruch Awerbuch, Margrit Betke, Ronald L. Rivest, and Mona Singh. Information and Computation 152,2 (1999) pp. 155--172.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

174.  [EFLRx99a] Simple Public Key Certificate. Carl M. Ellison, Bill Frantz, Butler Lampson, Ron[ald L.] Rivest, Brian M. Thomas, and Tatu Ylonen. Internet-draft draft-ietf-spki-cert-structure-06.txt, July 26, 1999. (1999-07-26)
       bib   txt   link   

173.  [CRRY99b] Some Comments on the First Round AES Evaluation of RC6. Scott Contini, Ronald L. Rivest, M.J.B. Robshaw, and Yiqun Lisa Yin. Submitted as a public comment in response to NIST's call for comments on the AES Candidates. Posted on NIST web site. (1999-04-15)
       bib   url   pdf   link   

172.  [Riv99b] Description of the LCS35 Time Capsule Crypto-Puzzle. Ronald L. Rivest. (1999-04) Unpublished note.
       bib   bib (rivest-macbook-pro-C.local's conflicted copy 2020-12-06).txt   lcs35-parameters.txt   lcs35-puzzle-description.txt   related-paper:RSW96   Dan-Bricklin's-LCS35-page   link   

171.  [CRRY99a] Improved Analysis of some Simplified Variants of RC6. Scott Contini, Ronald L. Rivest, M. J. B. Robshaw, and Yiqun Lisa Yin. FSE '99 (Rome, Italy, 1999)Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption. Lars Knudsen (ed.) (1999) pp. 1--15.
       bib   doi   pdf   link   

170.  [Riv99c] Some Thoughts on Serial Numbers on Intel CPU's. Ronald L. Rivest. (1999-01-26) Unpublished note, drafted 1/26/99, revised 8/23/99.
       bib   txt   link   

169.  [Riv99a] The Beer Bottle Cipher. Ronald L. Rivest. CCE Quarterly Journal (Pricewaterhouse Coopers Cryptographic Center of Excellence) ,3 (1999) pp. 28--30.
       bib   txt   link   

168.  [Riv98f] Block encryption algorithm with data-dependent rotations. Ronald L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 5,835,600. Issued November 10, 1998. (1998-11-10)
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167.  [Riv98e] The Case against Regulating Encryption Technology. Ronald L. Rivest. Scientific American 279,4 (1998) pp. 116--117.
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166.  [GPR98] Self-Delegation with Controlled Propagation ---or--- What if you lose your laptop. Oded Goldreich, Birgit Pfitzmann, and Ronald L. Rivest. CRYPTO'98 (Santa Barbara, California, 1998)Advances in Cryptology -- Proceedings 18th Annual Cryptology Conference. Hugo Krawczyk (ed.) (1998-08) pp. 153--168. This paper also appears as IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive Report 1997/012.
       bib   doi   pdf   prepub.pdf   ePrint-1997/012   link   

165.  [RRSY98] The RC6 Block Cipher. Ronald L. Rivest, M. J. B. Robshaw, R. Sidney, and Y. L. Yin. ()First Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Conference. (1998-08-20) Slides from NIST AES1 (1998-08-21) and AES3 (2000-04-14) conferences.
       bib   url   pdf   AES1.slides.pdf   AES1.slides.ppt   AES3.slides.pdf   AES3.slides.ppt   bib (rivest-macbook-pro-C.local's conflicted copy 2020-12-06).txt   note.txt   link   

164.  [CRRY98] The Security of the RC6 Block Cipher. Scott Contini, Ronald L. Rivest, M. J. B. Robshaw, and Yiqun Lisa Yin. Posted on the RC6 site of RSA Laboratories. (1998-08-20)
       bib   url   pdf   RSA-labs-RC6-site   link   

163.  [KRRR98] On the Design and Security of RC2. Lars R. Knudsen, Vincent Rijmen, Ronald L. Rivest, and Matthew J. B. Robshaw. FSE '98 (Paris, France, 1998)Proceedings Fast Software Encryption, Fifth International Workshop. Serge Vaudenay (ed.) (1998) pp. 206--221.
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162.  [EFLRx98] SPKI examples. Carl M. Ellison, Bill Frantz, Butler Lampson, Ron[ald L.] Rivest, Brian M. Thomas, and Tatu Ylonen. Internet-draft draft-ieft-spki-cert-examples-01.txt, March 10, 1998. (1998-03-10)
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161.  [Riv98d] Block encryption algorithm with data-dependent rotations. Ronald L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 5,724,428. Issued March 3, 1998. (1998-03-03)
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160.  [Riv98c] A Description of the RC2(r) Encryption Algorithm. Ronald L. Rivest. Internet Network Working Group Request for Comments: RFC 2268. (1998-03)
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159.  [Riv98b] Can We Eliminate Certificate Revocation Lists?. Ronald L. Rivest. FC'98 (Anguilla, British West Indies, 1998)Proceedings Financial Cryptography '98. Rafael Hirschfeld (ed.) (1998-02) pp. 178--183.
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158.  [Riv98a] Chaffing and Winnowing: Confidentiality without Encryption. Ronald L. Rivest. CryptoBytes (RSA Laboratories), volume 4, number 1 (summer 1998), 12--17. (1998)
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157.  [AABBx98] The Risks of Key Recovery, Key Escrow, and Trusted Third Party Encryption --- A Report by an Ad Hoc Group of Cryptographers and Computer Scientists. Hal Abelson, Ross Anderson, Steven M. Bellovin, Josh Benaloh, Matt Blaze, Whitfield Diffie, John Gilmore, Peter G. Neumann, Ronald L. Rivest, Jeffrey I. Schiller, and Bruce Schneier. Report issued by the CDT (Center for Democracy and Technology). (1998) 1998 revision of May 1997 report.
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156.  [BRS97] Geometric Cryptography: Identification by Angle Trisection. Mike Burmester, Ronald L. Rivest, and Adi Shamir. (1997-11-04) Unpublished draft.
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155.  [Riv97c] Cryptography as Duct Tape. Ronald L. Rivest. A short note written to the U.S. Senate Commerce and Judiciary Committee in opposition to mandatory key recovery proposals (1997-06-12)
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154.  [Riv97b] Electronic Lottery Tickets as Micropayments. Ronald L. Rivest. FC '97 (Anguilla, British West Indies, 1997)Proceedings Financial Cryptography '97. Rafael Hirschfeld (ed.) (1997) pp. 307--314.
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153.  [Riv97a] Perspectives on Financial Cryptography. Ronald L. Rivest. FC '97 (Anguilla, British West Indies, 1997)Proceedings Financial Cryptography '97. Rafael Hirschfeld (ed.) (1997) pp. 145--149.
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152.  [Riv97d] All-Or-Nothing Encryption and The Package Transform. Ronald L. Rivest. FSE'97 (Haifa, Israel, 1997)Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Fast Software Encryption. Eli Biham (ed.) (1997-01) pp. 210--218.
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151.  [BR96] The RC5, RC5-CBC, RC5-CBC-Pad, and RC5-CTS Algorithms. R[obert] Baldwin and R[onald L.] Rivest. Internet Network Working Group Request for Comments: RFC 2040 (1996-10)
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150.  [GMR96] On breaking a Huffman code. David W. Gillman, Mojdeh Mohtashemi, and Ronald L. Rivest. IEEE Transaction on Information Theory 42,3 (1996) pp. 972--976.
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149.  [RL96] SDSI -- A Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure. Ronald L. Rivest and Butler Lampson. (1996-04-30)
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148.  [RS96a] PayWord and MicroMint--Two Simple Micropayment Schemes. Ronald L. Rivest and Adi Shamir. SPW'96 (Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1996)Proceedings of the 1996 International Workshop on Security Protocols. Mark Lomas (ed.) (1996-04) pp. 69--87.
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147.  [RSW96] Time-lock puzzles and timed-release crypto. Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir, and David A. Wagner. MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Technical memo MIT/LCS/TR-684 (1996) (Revision 3/10/96)
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146.  [BDRSx96] Minimal Key Lengths for Symmetric Ciphers to Provide Adequate Commercial Security. Matt Blaze, Whitfield Diffie, Ronald L. Rivest, Bruce Schneier, Tsutomu Shinomura, Eric Thompson, and Michael Wiener. Released by the Business Software Alliance (January 1996). (1996-01)
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145.  [RS96b] PayWord and MicroMint (extended abstract). Ronald L. Rivest and Adi Shamir. CryptoBytes (RSA Laboratories), volume 2, number 1 (spring 1996), 7--11. (1996) Reprint of RS96a.
       bib   url   pdf   CryptoBytes   link   

144.  [RY95] Being Taught Can be Faster than Asking Questions. Ronald L. Rivest and Yiqun Lisa Yin. COLT'95 (Santa Cruz, California, 1995)Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory. Wolfgang Maas (ed.) (1995-07) pp. 144--151.
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143.  [ABRS95] Piecemeal graph exploration by a mobile robot (extended abstract). Baruch Awerbuch, Margrit Betke, Ronald L. Rivest, and Mona Singh. COLT'95 (Santa Cruz, California, 1995)Proceedings Eighth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory. Wolfgang Maas (ed.) (1995-07) pp. 321--328.
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142.  [BRS95] Piecemeal Learning of an Unknown Environment. Margrit Betke, Ronald L. Rivest, and Mona Singh. Machine Learning 18,2 (1995) pp. 231--254.
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141.  [Riv95] The RC5 Encryption Algorithm. Ronald L. Rivest. Dr. Dobb's Journal 20,1 (1995) pp. 146--148.
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140.  [BR95] Picking the Best Expert from a Sequence. Ruth Bergman and Ronald L. Rivest. WAIS'95 (Fort Lauerdale, Florida, 1995)Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Doug Fisher and Hans-J. Lenz (eds.) (1995-01) pp. 219--228.
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139.  [GR95] Complete Variable-Length ``Fix-Free'' Codes. David Gillman and Ronald L. Rivest. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 5,2 (1995) pp. 109--114.
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138.  [Riv94] The RC5 Encryption Algorithm. Ronald L. Rivest. FSE'94 (Leuven, Belgium, 1994)Proceedings of the 1994 Leuven Workshop on Fast Software Encryption. Bart Preneel (ed.) (1994-12) pp. 86--96.
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137.  [RS94b] A Formal Model of Hierarchical Concept-Learning. Ronald L. Rivest and Robert Sloan. Information and Computation 114,1 (1994) pp. 88--114.
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136.  [HPKR94] Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems: Intersections between Theory and Experiment. Stephen Jos\'{e} Hanson, Thomas Petsche, Michael Kearns, and Ronald L. Rivest (eds.) (MIT Press, 1994)
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135.  [RS94a] Diversity-based inference of finite automata. Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire. Journal of the ACM 41,3 (1994) pp. 555--589.
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134.  [RY94] Simulation Results for a new two-armed bandit heuristic. Ronald L. Rivest and Yiqun Yin. Proceedings of a workshop on Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems (Princeton, New Jersey, 1994)Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems. G. A. Drastal, S. J. Hanson and R. L. Rivest (eds.) (1994) pp. 477--486.
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133.  [HDR94] Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems: Constraints and Prospects. Stephen Jos\'{e} Hanson, George A. Drastal, and Ronald L. Rivest (eds.) (MIT Press, 1994)
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132.  [GRS93] Learning binary relations and total orders. Sally A. Goldman, Ronald L. Rivest, and Robert E. Schapire. SIAM Journal on Computing 22,5 (1993) pp. 1006--1034.
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131.  [RS93b] On choosing between experimenting and thinking when learning. Ronald L. Rivest and Robert H. Sloan. Information and Computation 106,1 (1993) pp. 1--25.
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130.  [BRS93] Piecemeal learning of an unknown environment. Margrit Betke, Ronald L. Rivest, and Mona Singh. COLT'93 (Santa Cruz, California, 1993)Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory. Lenny Pitt (ed.) (1993-07) pp. 277--286.
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129.  [RS93a] Inference of Finite Automata Using Homing Sequences. Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire. Information and Computation 103,2 (1993) pp. 299--347.
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128.  [GBRBx93] Commentators. Mike Godwin, William A. Bayse, Marc Rotenberg, Lewis M. Branscomb, Anne M. Branscomb, Ronald L. Rivest, Andrew Grosso, and Gary T. Marx. Communications of the ACM 36,3 (1993) pp. 34--41. (Commentary on preceding article ``To tap or not to tap'' by Dorothy Denning.)
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127.  [GR93] Scapegoat trees. Igal Galperin and Ronald L. Rivest. SODA '93 (Austin, Texas, 1993)Proceedings of the fourth annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete algorithms. Vijaya Ramachandran (ed.) (1993) pp. 165--174. Chapter 19.
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126.  [KACDx93] Group Report: Architectures of Intelligent Systems. D. Kirsh, J. S. Altman, J.-P Changeux, A. R. Damasio, R. Durbin, A. K. Engel, W. D. Hillis, D. Premack, R. Rivest, P. E. Roland, P. S. Rosenbloom, G. S. Stent, and P. Stoerig. Exploring Brain Functions: Models in Neuroscience. T. A. Poggio and D. A. Glaser (eds.) (1993)
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125.  [HRR93] Machine Learning: From Theory to Applications. Stephen Jos\'{e} Hanson, Werner Remmele, and Ronald L. Rivest (eds.) (Springer, 1993)
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124.  [BR93] Training a 3-node neural network is NP-complete. Avrim Blum and Ronald L. Rivest. Machine Learning: From Theory to Applications. Stephen Jos\'{e} Hanson, Werner Remmele, and Ronald L. Rivest (eds.) (1993) (Reprinted with permission from Neural Networks 5,1 (January 1992), Avrim Blum and Ronald L. Rivest, ``Training a three-node neural net is NP-complete''.)
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123.  [RHAL92] Responses to NIST's proposal. Ronald L. Rivest, Martin E. Hellman, John C. Anderson, and John W. Lyons. Communications of the ACM 35,7 (1992) pp. 41--54.
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122.  [Riv92c] The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm. Ronald L. Rivest. Internet RFC 1321 (1992-04)
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121.  [Riv92b] The MD4 Message Digest Algorithm. Ronald L. Rivest. Internet RFC 1320 (1992-04)
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120.  [Riv92a] Vortex air rings. Ronald L. Rivest. Nature (Scientific Correspondence) 356(1992) pp. 199--200.
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119.  [BR92] Training a 3-node neural network is NP-complete. Avrim L. Blum and Ronald L. Rivest. Neural Networks 5,1 (1992) pp. 117--127.
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118.  [Riv91] Cryptography and Machine Learning. Ronald L. Rivest. ASIACRYPT '91 (Fujiyoshida, Japan, 1991)Advances in Cryptography - ASIACRYPT '91. Hideki Imai, Ronald L. Rivest, and Tsutomu Matsumoto (eds.) (1993) pp. 427--439.
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117.  [IRM91] Advances in Cryptography - ASIACRYPT '91. Hideki Imai, Ronald L. Rivest, and Tsutomu Matsumoto (eds.) ASIACRYPT '91 (Fujiyoshida, Japan, 1991)
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116.  [MGRS91] Research Directions in Computer Science: An MIT Perspective. Albert R. Meyer, John V. Guttag, Ronald L. Rivest, and Peter Szolovits (eds.) (MIT Press, 1991)
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115.  [RG91] A Fast Multiport Memory Based on Single-Port Memory Cells. R. Rivest and L. Glasser. MIT Lab for Computer Science, MIT/LCS/TM-455 (1991)
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114.  [LMR91] Results on Learnability and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension. Nathan Linial, Yishay Mansour, and Ronald L. Rivest. Information and Computation 90,1 (1991) pp. 33--49.
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113.  [PR92] Method of secure remote access. Russell W. Pogue and Ronald L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 5,144,667. Issued December 20, 1990. (1990-12-20)
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112.  [KPR90] Learning time-varying concepts. Anthony Kuh, Thomas Petsche, and Ronald L. Rivest. NIPS'90 (Denver, Colorado, 1990)Proceedings of the 1990 Conference on Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3. Richard P. Lippmann, John E. Moody, and David S. Touretzky (eds.) (1990) pp. 183--189.
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111.  [Riv90b] Finding Four Million Large Random Primes. Ronald L. Rivest. CRYPTO '90 (Santa Barbara, California, 1990)Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '90, 10th Annual Internation Cryptology Conference. Alfred Menezes and Scott A. Vanstone (eds.) (1990) pp. 625--626.
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110.  [ER90] On the sample complexity of PAC-learning using random and chosen examples. Bonnie Eisenberg and Ronald L. Rivest. COLT '90 (Rochester, New York, 1990)Proceedings of the third annual workshop on computational learning theory. Mark A. Fulk and John Case (eds.) (1990) pp. 154--162.
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109.  [AR90] Inferring Graphs from Walks. Javed A. Aslam and Ronald L. Rivest. COLT '90 (Rochester, New York, 1990)Proceedings of the third annual workshop on computational learning theory. Mark A. Fulk and John Case (eds.) (1990) pp. 359--370.
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108.  [CLR90] Introduction to Algorithms (First edition). Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L. Rivest. (MIT Press and McGraw Hill, 1990)
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107.  [BOGMR90] A Fair Protocol for Signing Contracts. Michael Ben-Or, Oded Goldreich, Silvio Micali, and Ronald L. Rivest. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(1990) pp. 40--46.
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106.  [Riv90a] Cryptography. Ronald L. Rivest. Chapter 13. Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. J. Van Leeuwen (ed.) (Elsevier, 1990) pp. 717--755. (1990)
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105.  [RS90] A New Approach to Unsupervised Learning in Deterministic Environments. Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire. Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach. Yves Kodratoff and Ryszard Michalski (eds.) (1990)
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104.  [GRS89] Learning Binary Relations and Total Orders. Sally A. Goldman, Ronald L. Rivest, and Robert E. Schapire. FOCS '89 (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 1989)Proceedings Thirtieth IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. (1989) pp. 46--51.
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103.  [RHW89] COLT '89. Ronald L. Rivest, David Haussler, and Manfred K. Warmuth (eds.) (Santa Cruz, California, 1989)
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102.  [RS89] Inference of Finite Automata Using Homing Sequences. Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire. STOC '89 (Seattle, Washington, 1989)Proceedings Twenty-First Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computation. D. S. Johnson (ed.) (1989) pp. 411--420.
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101.  [QR89] Inferring decision trees using the Minimum Description Length principle. J. Ross Quinlan and Ronald L. Rivest. Information and Computation 80,3 (1989) pp. 227--248.
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100.  [BR88b] Training a 3-node neural network is NP-complete. Avrim Blum and Ronald L. Rivest. NIPS '88 (Denver, Colorado, 1988)Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. David S. Touretzky (ed.) (1989) pp. 494--501.
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99.  [LMR88b] Results on Learnability and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. Nathan Linial, Yihshay Mansour, and Ronald L. Rivest. FOCS'88 (White Plains, New York, 1988)Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science. (1988-10) pp. 120--129. Replaced by 114. [LMR91].
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98.  [CR88] A Knapsack-type public key cryptosystem based on arithmetic in finite fields. Benny Chor and Ronald L. Rivest. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 34,5 (1988) pp. 901--909.
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97.  [RS88b] Learning Complicated Concepts Reliably and Usefully (Extended Abstract). Ronald L. Rivest and Robert [H.] Sloan. AAAI-88 (St. Paul, Minnesota, 1988)Proceedings AAAI-88. Tom Mitchell and Reid Smith (eds.) (1988-08) pp. 635--640. Replaced by 137. [RS94b].
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96.  [LMR88a] Results on Learnability and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. Nathan Linial, Yishay Mansour, and Ronald L. Rivest. COLT '88 (Cambridge, MA, 1988)Proceedings of the first annual workshop on computational learning theory. David Haussler and Leonard Pitt (eds.) (1988-08) pp. 56--68. Replaced by 114. [LMR91].
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95.  [BR88a] Training a 3-node neural net is NP-complete. Avrim Blum and Ronald L. Rivest. COLT '88 (Cambridge, MA, 1988)Proceedings of the first annual workshop on computational learning theory. David Haussler and Leonard Pitt (eds.) (1988) pp. 9--18.
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94.  [GMR88] A digital signature scheme secure against adaptive chosen-message attacks. Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali, and Ronald L. Rivest. SIAM J. Computing 17,2 (1988) pp. 281--308.
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93.  [RS88a] A New Model for Inductive Inference. Ronald L. Rivest and Robert H. Sloan. TARK II (Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, 1988)Proceedings Second Annual Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge. Moshe Y. Vardi (ed.) (1988) pp. 13--27.
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92.  [KRS88] Is the Data Encryption Standard a Group? (Results of cycling experiments on DES). Burton S. Kaliski, Ronald L. Rivest, and Alan T. Sherman. Journal of Cryptology 1,1 (1988) pp. 3--36.
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91.  [RF88] A ``greedy'' channel router. Ronald L. Rivest and Charles M. Fiduccia. Papers on Twenty-five years of electronic design automation. (1988) Reprint of RF83.
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90.  [GR88] Making Maximum Entropy Computations Easier by Adding Extra Constraints (Extended Abstract). Sally A. Goldman and Ronald L. Rivest. Maximum-Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Science and Engineering. G. J. Erickson and C. R. Smith (eds.) (1988)
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89.  [Riv87c] Game tree searching by min/max approximation. Ronald L. Rivest. Artificial Intelligence 34,1 (1987) pp. 77--96.
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88.  [Riv87b] Learning Decision Lists. Ronald L. Rivest. Machine Learning 2,3 (1987) pp. 229--246.
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87.  [RS87c] Diversity-based inference of finite automata. Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire. FOCS '87 (Los Angeles, California, 1987)Proceedings Twenth-Eighth IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. Tom Leighton (ed.) (1987) pp. 78--87. Replaced by 135. [RS94a].
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86.  [RS87b] Method and apparatus for resuing non-erasable memory media. Ronald L. Rivest and Adi Shamir. U.S. Patent 4,691,299. (1987-09-01)
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85.  [RS87a] A New Approach to Unsupervised Learning in Deterministic Environments. Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire. Fourth International Workshop on Machine Learning (U.C. Irvine, Irvine, California, 1987)Proceedings Fourth International Workshop on Machine Learning. Pat Langley (ed.) (1987) pp. 364--375.
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84.  [Riv87a] Network control by Bayesian broadcast. Ronald L. Rivest. IEEE Trans. on Information Theory IT-33,3 (1987) pp. 323--328.
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83.  [KLRTx87] Global wire routing in two-dimensional arrays. R[ichard] M. Karp, F[rank] T. Leighton, R[onald] L. Rivest, U[mesh] V. Vazirani, and V[ijay] V. Vazirani. Algorithmica 2,1 (1987) pp. 113--129.
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82.  [LR86] Estimating a Probability using Finite Memory. F. Thomson Leighton and Ronald L. Rivest. IEEE Trans. on Information Theory IT-32,6 (1986) pp. 733--742.
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81.  [GR86] A Non-iterative Maximum Entropy Algorithm. Sally A. Goldman and Ronald L. Rivest. UAI '86 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1986)Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. John F. Lemmer and Laveen N. Kanal (eds.) (1986) pp. 133--148.
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80.  [CLRS86] An application of number theory to the organization of raster-graphics memory. Benny Chor, Charles E. Leiseron, Ronald L. Rivest, and James B. Shearer. JACM 33,1 (1986) pp. 86--104.
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79.  [KRS85b] Is DES a pure cipher? (Results of more cycling experiments on DES) (Preliminary Abstract). Burton S. Kaliski, Ronald L. Rivest, and Alan T. Sherman. CRYPTO '85 (Santa Barbara, California, 1985)Advances in Cryptology---CRYPTO '85 Proceedings. Hugh C. Williams (ed.) (1985) pp. 212--226.
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78.  [BOGMR85] A Fair Protocol for Signing Contracts (Extended Abstract). Michael Ben-Or, Oded Goldreich, Silvio Micali, and Ronald L. Rivest. ICALP '85 (Nafplion, Greece, 1985)Proceedings 1985 International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming. Wilfried Brauer (ed.) (1985) pp. 43--52. Replaced by 107. [BOGMR90].
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77.  [RS85] Efficient Factoring Based on Partial Information. Ronald L. Rivest and Adi Shamir. EUROCRYPT '85 (Linz, Austria, 1985)Advances in Cryptology---EUROCRYPT '85, Workshop on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques. Franz Pichler (ed.) (1986) pp. 31--34.
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76.  [KRS85a] Is the Data Encryption Standard a Group? (Preliminary Abstract). Burton S. Kaliski, Ronald L. Rivest, and Alan T. Sherman. EUROCRYPT '85 (Linz, Austria, 1985)Advances in Cryptology---EUROCRYPT '85, Workshop on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques. Franz Pichler (ed.) (1986) pp. 81--95. Replaced by 92. [KRS88].
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75.  [Riv85] Testing Implementations of DES. Ronald L. Rivest. (1985-02) Unpublished draft.
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74.  [BLRVW84] Problem 84-2. Counting Chordal Intersections. J[on] L. Bentley, C[harles] E. Leiserson, R[onald] L. Rivest, and C. J. Van Wyk. Journal of Algorithms 5,4 (1984) pp. 592--594.
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73.  [GMR84b] A ``Paradoxical'' Solution to the Signature Problem. Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali, and Ronald L. Rivest. FOCS '84 (Singer Island, Florida, 1984)Proceedings Twenty-Fifth IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. (1984-10) pp. 441--448. Replaced by 94. [GMR88].
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72.  [GMR84a] A `Paradoxical' solution to the signature problem (brief abstract). Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali, and Ronald L. Rivest. CRYPTO '84 (Santa Barbara, California, 1984)Advances in Cryptology -- Proceedings of CRYPTO 1984. George Blakley and David Chaum (eds.) (1985) pp. 467. Replaced by 94. [GMR88].
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71.  [CR84] A Knapsack Type Public Key Cryptosystem Based on Arithmetic in Finite Fields (preliminary draft). Benny Chor and Ronald L. Rivest. CRYPTO '84 (Santa Barbara, California, 1984)Advances in Cryptology -- Proceedings of CRYPTO 1984. George Blakley and David Chaum (eds.) (1985) pp. 54--65. Replaced by 98. [CR88].
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70.  [Riv84] RSA chips (past/present/future). Ronald L. Rivest. EUROCRYPT '84 (Paris, France, 1984)Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of EUROCRYPT 84: A workshop on the theory and application of cryptographic techniques. T. Beth, N. Cot, and I. Ingemarsson (eds.) (1985) pp. 159--165.
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69.  [RS84] How to expose an eavesdropper. Ronald L. Rivest and Adi Shamir. CACM 27,4 (1984) pp. 393--395.
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68.  [KLRTx83] Global wire routing in two-dimensional arrays. R. M. Karp, F. T. Leighton, R. L. Rivest, C. D. Thompson, U. Vazirani, and V. Vazirani. FOCS '83 (Tucson, Arizona, 1983)Proceedings Twenth-Fourth Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. Lawrence Snyder (ed.) (1983) pp. 453--459.
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67.  [RSA83b] Cryptographic Communications system and method. Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard M. Adleman. U.S. Patent 4,405,829. Issued September 20, 1983. (1983-09-20)
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66.  [LR83] Estimating a Probability Using Finite Memory (Extended Abstract). Frank Thomson Leighton and Ronald L. Rivest. FCT'83 (Borgholm, Sweden, 1983)Proceedings of the 1983 International FCT--Conference on Foundations of Computation Theory. Marek Karpinski (ed.) (1983-08) pp. 255-269. Replaced by 82. [LR86].
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65.  [Riv83x] What is the purpose and structure of intelligence?. Ronald L. Rivest. (1983-08-16) (Unpublished draft.)
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64.  [RF83] A `greedy' channel router. Ronald L. Rivest and Charles M. Fiduccia. Computer-Aided Design 15,3 (1983) pp. 135--140. Reprinted in RF88.
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63.  [Riv83b] Data center for remote postage meter recharging system having physically secure encrypting apparatus and employing encrypted seed number signals. Ronald L. Rivest. U.S. Patent 4,376,299. Issued March 8, 1983. (1983-03-08)
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62.  [RSA83a] A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems. R[onald] L. Rivest, A[di] Shamir, and L[eonard M.] Adleman. CACM 26,1 (1983) pp. 96--99. (This is a reprint of the "RSA paper" RSA78.)
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61.  [Riv83a] Data Encryption. Ronald L. Rivest. Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering. Anthony Ralston (ed.) (1983)
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60.  [CLR82] An Application of Number Theory to the Organization of Raster-Graphics Memory. Benny Chor, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L. Rivest. FOCS '82 (Chicago, Illinois, 1982)Proceedings 23rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. Nicholas Pippenger (ed.) (1982) pp. 92--99. Replaced by 80. [CLRS86].
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59.  [LPRS82] Minimum Edge-Length Partitioning of Rectilinear Polygons. Andrzej Lingas, Ron Y. Pinter, Ronald L. Rivest, and Adi Shamir. Allerton '82 (Monticello, Illinois, 1982)Proceedings 20th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. H. V. Poor and W. K. Jenkins (eds.) (1982-10) pp. 53--63.
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58.  [RS82c] How to reuse a ``write-once'' memory. Ronald L. Rivest and Adi Shamir. Information and Control 55,1--3 (1982) pp. 1--19.
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57.  [Riv82b] A Short Report on the RSA Chip. Ronald L. Rivest. CRYPTO '82 (U. C. Santa Barbara, 1982)Advances in Cryptology---Proceedings of {CRYPTO 82}. David Chaum, Ronald L. Rivest, and Alan T. Sherman (eds.) (1983) pp. 327.
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56.  [RS82b] Randomized Encryption Techniques. Ronald L. Rivest and Alan T. Sherman. CRYPTO '82 (U. C. Santa Barbara, 1982)Advances in Cryptology---Proceedings of {CRYPTO 82}. David Chaum, Ronald L. Rivest, and Alan T. Sherman (eds.) (1982-08) pp. 145--163.
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55.  [CRS82] Advances In Cryptology---Proceedings of CRYPTO 82. David Chaum, Ronald L. Rivest, and Alan T. Sherman (eds.) (U. C. Santa Barbara, 1982)
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54.  [Riv82a] The ``PI'' Placement and Interconnect System. Ronald L. Rivest. DAC '82 (Las Vegas, Nevada, 1982)Proceedings 19th IEEE Design Automation Conference. (1982) pp. 475--481.
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53.  [RF82] A `Greedy' Channel Router. Ronald L. Rivest and Charles M. Fiduccia. DAC '82 (Las Vegas, Nevada, 1982)Proceedings 19th IEEE Design Automation Conference. (1982) pp. 418--424.
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52.  [RS82a] How to reuse a ``write-once'' memory (Preliminary version). Ronald L. Rivest and Adi Shamir. STOC'82 (San Francisco, California, 1982)Proceedings of the fourteenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing. (1982-05) pp. 105--113. Replaced by 58. [RS82c].
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51.  [RBM81] Provably Good Channel Routing Algorithms. Ronald L. Rivest, Alan E. Baratz, and Gary [L.] Miller. CMU Conference on VLSI Systems and Computations (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1981)Proceedings CMU Conference on VLSI Systems and Computations. H. T. Kung, Bob Sproull, and Guy Steele (eds.) (1981) pp. 153--159.
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50.  [BR81] New Lower Bounds on Channel Width. Donna Brown and Ronald L. Rivest. Proceedings CMU Conference on VLSI Systems and Computations (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1981)H. T. Kung, Bob Sproull, and Guy Steele (eds.) (1981) pp. 178--185.
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49.  [Riv81] Statistical analysis of the Hagelin cryptograph. Ronald L. Rivest. Cryptologia 5,1 (1981) pp. 27--32.
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48.  [SRA81] Mental Poker. Adi Shamir, Ronald L. Rivest, and Leonard M. Adleman. The Mathematical Gardner. David A. Klarner (ed.) (Prindle, Weber, and Schmidt, 1981) pp. 37--43. (1981)
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47.  [BCR80] Orthogonal Packings in Two Dimensions. Brenda S. Baker, Edward G. Coffman Jr., and Ronald L. Rivest. SIAM J. Comput. 9,4 (1980) pp. 846--855.
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46.  [RMKWS80] Coping with errors in binary search procedures. R[onald] L. Rivest, A[lbert] R. Meyer, D[aniel] J. Kleitman, K. Winklmann, and J(oel) Spencer. JCSS 20,3 (1980) pp. 396--404.
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45.  [YR80] On the polyhedral decision problem. Andrew C. Yao and Ronald L. Rivest. SIAM J. Computing 9,2 (1980) pp. 343--347.
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44.  [LPR80] The Subgraph homeomorphism problem. Andrea S. LaPaugh and Ronald L. Rivest. JCSS 20,2 (1980) pp. 133--149.
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43.  [Riv80a] ``Forwards and Backwards'' encryption. Ronald L. Rivest. Cryptologia 4,1 (1980) pp. 30--33.
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42.  [Riv80b] A description of a single-chip implementation of the RSA cipher. Ronald L. Rivest. Lambda 1(1980) pp. 14--18.
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41.  [Riv79b] The BLIZZARD Computer Architecture. Ronald L. Rivest. ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 7,9 (1979) pp. 2--10.
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40.  [RVW79] An Omega((n/lg n)^1/2 lower bound on the number of additions necessary to compute 0-1 polynomials over the ring of integer polynomials. Ronald L. Rivest and Jean-Paul Van de Wiele. Information Processing Letters 8,4 (1979) pp. 178--180.
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39.  [Riv79a] Critical remarks on ``Critical remarks on some public-key cryptosystems'' by T. Herlestam. Ronald L. Rivest. BIT Numerical Mathematics 19,2 (1979) pp. 274--275.
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38.  [AR78a] The Use of Public Key Cryptography in Communication System Design. Leonard M. Adleman and Ronald L. Rivest. NCC '78 (Birmingham, Alabama, 1978)Proceedings National Conference on Communications. (1978) Replaced by 37. [AR78b].
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37.  [AR78b] The Use of Public Key Cryptography in Communication System Design. Leonard M. Adleman and Ronald L. Rivest. IEEE Communications Society Magazine (Special Issue on Communications Privacy) 16,6 (1978) pp. 20--23.
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36.  [BCR78] Orthogonal Packings in Two Dimensions. B. S. Baker, E. G. Coffman, and R. L. Rivest. Allerton '78 (Monticello, Illinois, 1978)Proc. 16th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing. (1981) pp. 626--635. Replaced by 47. [BCR80].
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35.  [Riv78c] The Impact of Technology on Cryptography. Ronald L. Rivest. ICC '78 (Toronto, Canada, 1978)Proceedings 1978 International Conference on Communications. (1978)
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34.  [RMKWS78] Coping with errors in binary search procedures (Preliminary report). R(onald) L. Rivest, A(lbert) R. Meyer, D(aniel) J. Kleitman, K(arl) Winklmann, and J(oel) Spencer. STOC '78 (San Diego, California, 1978)Proceedings of the tenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. Richard J. Lipton (ed.) (1978) pp. 227--232. Replaced by 46. [RMKWS80].
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33.  [LPR78] The subgraph homeomorphism problem. Andrea S. LaPaugh and Ronald L. Rivest. STOC '78 (San Diego, California, 1978)Proceedings of the tenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. Richard J. Lipton (ed.) (1978) pp. 40--50. Replaced by 44. [LPR80].
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32.  [YR78] k+1 heads are better than k. Andrew C. Yao and Ronald L. Rivest. JACM 25,2 (1978) pp. 337--340.
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31.  [Riv78b] Optimal arrangement of keys in a hash table. Ronald L. Rivest. JACM 25,2 (1978) pp. 200--209.
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30.  [RSA78] A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems. R[onald] L. Rivest, A[di] Shamir, and L[eonard M.] Adleman. CACM 21,2 (1978) pp. 120--126. (This is the "RSA paper".)
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29.  [Riv78a] Remarks on a Proposed Cryptanalytic Attack on the MIT Public-Key Cryptosystem. Ronald L. Rivest. Cryptologia 2,1 (1978) pp. 62--65.
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28.  [RAD78] On Data Banks and Privacy Homomorphisms. Ronald L. Rivest, Len Adleman, and Michael L. Dertouzos. Foundations of Secure Computation. Richard A. DeMillo, David P. Dobkin, Anita K. Jones, and Richard J. Lipton (eds.) (1978)
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27.  [Riv77c] On the worst-case behavior of string-searching algorithms. Ronald L. Rivest. SIAM J. Computing 6,4 (1977) pp. 669--674.
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26.  [RMKS77] Binary search using unreliable comparisons. Ronald L. Rivest, Albert R. Meyer, Daniel J. Kleitman, and Joel Spencer. Allerton '77 (Monticello, Illinois, 1977)Proceedings 15th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. F. P. Preparata and M. B. Pursley (eds.) (1977) pp. 165--168. Replaced by 46. [RMKWS80].
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25.  [Riv77b] The necessity of feedback in minimal monotone combinational circuits. Ronald L. Rivest. IEEE Trans. on Computers C-26,6 (1977) pp. 606--607.
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24.  [YAR77] An Omega(n^2 log n) lower bound to the shortest paths problem. Andrew C. Yao, David M. Avis, and Ronald L. Rivest. STOC '77 (Boulder, Colorado, 1977)Proceedings of the ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. John E. Hopcroft, Emily P. Friedman, and Michael A. Harrison (eds.) (1977) pp. 11--17. (Claim withdrawn.)
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23.  [Riv77a] The game of ``N questions'' on a tree. Ronald L. Rivest. Discrete Mathematics 17,2 (1977) pp. 181--186.
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22.  [RV76b] On recognizing graph properties from adjacency matrices. Ronald L. Rivest and Jean Vuillemin. Theoretical Computer Science 3,3 (1976) pp. 371--384.
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21.  [DR76] Linear expected time of a simple union-find algorithm. Jon Doyle and Ronald L. Rivest. Information Processing Letters 5,5 (1976) pp. 146--148.
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20.  [YR76] K+1 heads are better than K. Andrew C. Yao and Ronald L. Rivest. FOCS '76 (Houston, Texas, 1976)Proceedings 17th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. Michael J. Fischer (ed.) (1976) pp. 67--70. Replaced by 32. [YR78].
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19.  [RP76] The Mutual Exclusion Problem for Unreliable Processes: Preliminary Report. Ronald L. Rivest and Vaughan R. Pratt. FOCS '76 (Houston, Texas, 1976)Proceedings 17th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. Michael J. Fischer (ed.) (1976) pp. 1--8.
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18.  [HR76] Constructing optimal binary decision trees is NP-complete. Laurent Hyafil and Ronald L. Rivest. Information Processing Letters 5,1 (1976) pp. 15--17.
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17.  [Riv76b] Partial-match retrieval algorithms. Ronald L. Rivest. SIAM J. Computing 5,1 (1976) pp. 19--50.
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16.  [Riv76a] On self-organizing sequential search heuristics. Ronald L. Rivest. Communications of the ACM 19,2 (1976) pp. 63--67.
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15.  [RV76a] On the time required to recognize properties of graphs from their adjacency matrices. Ronald L. Rivest and Jean Vuillemin. Ast\'{e}risque 38--39(1976) pp. 213--227.
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14.  [RV75] A Generalization and Proof of the Aanderaa-Rosenberg Conjecture. Ronald L. Rivest and Jean Vuillemin. STOC '75 (Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1975)Proceedings of seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. William C. Rounds (ed.) (1975) pp. 6--11. Replaced by 22. [RV76b].
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13.  [FR75b] Algorithm 489: the algorithm SELECT---for finding the ith smallest of n elements [M1]. Robert W. Floyd and Ronald L. Rivest. Communications of the ACM 18,3 (1975) pp. 173.
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12.  [FR75a] Expected time bounds for selection. Robert W. Floyd and Ronald L. Rivest. Communications of the ACM 18,3 (1975) pp. 165--172.
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11.  [Riv74d] On self-organizing sequential search heuristics. Ronald L. Rivest. SWAT '74 (New Orleans, 1974)IEEE Conference Record of 15th Annual Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory. Ronald Book (ed.) (1974) pp. 122--126. Replaced by 16. [Riv76a].
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10.  [Riv74c] On hash-coding algorithms for partial-match retrieval. Ronald L. Rivest. SWAT '74 (New Orleans, 1974)IEEE Conference Record of 15th Annual Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory. Ronald Book (ed.) (1974) pp. 95--103.
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9.  [Riv74b] On the optimality of Elias's algorithm for performing best-match searches. Ronald L. Rivest. IFIP '74 (Stockholm, Sweden, 1974)Proceedings of IFIP Congress. Jack L. Rosenfeld (ed.) (1974) pp. 678--681.
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8.  [KR74] Asymptotic Bounds for the Number of Convex n-ominoes. David A. Klarner and Ronald L. Rivest. Discrete Mathematics 8,1 (1974) pp. 31--40.
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7.  [Riv74a] Analysis of Associative Retrieval Algorithms. Ronald L. Rivest. phdthesis. Stanford University Computer Science Department (1974)
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6.  [Riv73] A fast stable minimum-storage sorting algorithm. Ronald L. Rivest. , Rapport de Recherce no. 43 (1973)
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5.  [HR73] Graph Partitioning and Constructing Optimal Decision Trees are Polynomial Complete Problems. L[aurent] Hyafil and R[onald] L. Rivest. IRIA -- Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Rapport de Recherche no. 33 (1973) The decision tree result from this paper was published in HR76.
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4.  [BFPRT73] Time Bounds for Selection. Manual Blum, Robert W. Floyd, Vaughan Pratt, Ronald L. Rivest, and Robert E. Tarjan. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 7,4 (1973) pp. 448--461.
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3.  [KR73] A procedure for improving the upper bound for the number of N-ominoes. David A. Klarner and Ronald L. Rivest. Canadian Journal of Math. 25,3 (1973) pp. 585--602.
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2.  [RK72] Bibliography 26. Computer Sorting. Ronald L. Rivest and Donald E. Knuth. Computing Reviews 13(1972) pp. 283--289.
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1.  [BFPRT72] Linear time bounds for median computations. Manuel Blum, Robert W. Floyd, Vaughan Pratt, Ronald L. Rivest, and Robert E. Tarjan. STOC'72 (Denver, Colorado, 1972)Proceedings of the fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing. Patrick C. Fischer, H. Paul Zeiger, Jeffery D. Ullman, and Arnold L. Rosenberg (eds.) (1972-05) pp. 119--124. Replaced by 4. [BFPRT73].
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